Number of Paths Values:
NumOfPaths: 10
MinNumOfPaths: 10
MaxNumOfPaths: 10
This table describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 18: show ipsla mpls lsp-monitor lpd statistics Field Descriptions
LPD group ID number.
Group ID
LPD start time.
Latest path discovery start time
LPD return code.
Latest path discovery return code
LPD completion time.
Latest path discovery completion time
Completion time values, consisting of Number of
Completion Time samples and Minimum Completion
Completion Time Values
Number of paths values, consisting of Minimum
number of paths and Maximum number of paths.
Number of Paths Values
Cisco IOS XR System Monitoring Command Reference for the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router, Release 4.1
IP Service Level Agreement Commands
show ipsla mpls lsp-monitor lpd