Table 24: show ipsla statistics aggregated Field Descriptions
Number of times that the operation cannot be started
because the previously scheduled run was not
Entry number.
Entry Number
Hop in path index.
Hop in Path Index
Number of internal errors.
Jitter statistics appear on the specified lines. Jitter is
defined as interpacket delay variance.
Jitter Values
Number of jitter samples that are collected. The
number of samples are used to calculate the jitter
Number of failed operations due to a disconnect.
Number of Failed Operations due to a Disconnect
Number of failed operations due to a timeout.
Number of Failed Operations due to a Timeout
Number of failed operations due to a busy error.
Number of Failed Operations due to a Busy
Error that refers to the case in which the control
connection cannot be established.
Number of Failed Operations due to a No Connection
Number of failed operations due to an internal error.
Number of Failed Operations due to an Internal Error
Number of failed operations due to a sequence error.
Number of Failed Operations due to a Sequence Error
Number of failed operations due to a verify error.
Number of Failed Operations due to a Verify Error
Maximum negative jitter values from the source to
the destination. The absolute value is given.
Maximum jitter values from the source to the
destination in milliseconds.
Maximum jitter values from the destination to the
source in milliseconds.
Maximum negative jitter values from
destination-to-source. The absolute value is given.
Minimum jitter values from the destination to the
source in milliseconds.
Cisco IOS XR System Monitoring Command Reference for the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router, Release 4.1
IP Service Level Agreement Commands
show ipsla statistics aggregated