Altera Corporation
October 2007
Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 2
Stratix II GX ALT2GXB Megafunction User Guide
Table 4–45
describes the available options on page 11 of the MegaWizard
Plug-In Manager for your ALT2GXB custom megafunction variation.
Table 4–45. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Options (Page 11 for SONET/SDH Mode)
ALT2GXB Setting
Which loopback option would
you like?
There are two options available in SONET/SDH
mode: no loopback and serial loopback.
No loopback - this is the default mode.
Serial loopback - if you select serial loopback,
port is available to
control the serial loopback feature
dynamically. A 1'b1 enables serial loopback
and a 1'b0 disables loopback on a
channel-by-channel basis. Altera
recommends controlling all four channels
simultaneously. A digital reset must be
asserted for the transceiver.
Loopback Modes section
in the
Stratix II GX
Transceiver Architecture
chapter in
volume 2 of the
Stratix II GX Device
Reverse Loopback option
This option is not available in SONET/SDH mode. Loopback Modes section
in the
Stratix II GX
Transceiver Architecture
chapter in
volume 2 of the
Stratix II GX Device