Altera Corporation
October 2007
Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 2
Stratix II GX Dynamic Reconfiguration
mode. The
selection and its grouping will override the
settings set in the ALT2GXB MegaWizard. There are three
options in the receiver core clocking for
Figure 3–26. ALT2GXB MegaWizard Reconfiguration – Receive Core Clocking Options
Option 1: Share a Single Transmitter Core Clock Between Receivers
This option enables the Quartus II software to select channel 0
of a transceiver block and route it to all four receiver
channels. This option is typically set when a transceiver block (all four
channels) is in Basic or Protocol mode, with rate matching, switches to
another Basic or Protocol mode with rate matching.
Figure 3–27
shows a setup with all four channels configured to a Basic
2 Gbps mode with rate matching, and then switches to a Basic 3.125 Gbps
mode with rate matching. In this case, option 1 is applicable.