Altera Corporation
October 2007
Stratix II GX Device Handbook, Volume 2
Stratix II GX ALT2GXB Megafunction User Guide
What is the 20-bit rate
match pattern1? (usually
used for +ve disparity
Enter the positive disparity rate matcher pattern
and control code pattern. The skip pattern is used
for insertion or deletion, and the control pattern
identifies which group of skip patterns to use for
rate matching. If only one disparity is needed for
rate matching, you can enter the same pattern for
both rate matching patterns (pattern1 and
Rate Matcher section in the
Stratix II GX Transceiver
Architecture Overview
in volume 2 of the
Stratix II GX
Device Handbook.
What is the 20-bit rate
match pattern2? (usually
used for -ve disparity
Enter the negative disparity rate matcher pattern
and control code pattern. The skip pattern is used
for insertion or deletion, and the control pattern
identifies which group of skip patterns to use for
rate matching. If only one disparity is needed for
rate matching, you can enter the same pattern for
both rate matching patterns (pattern1 and
Rate Matcher section in the
Stratix II GX Transceiver
Architecture Overview
in volume 2 of the
Stratix II GX
Device Handbook.
Flip Receiver output data
This option reverses the bit order of the data at
the receiver-PLD interface at a byte level to
support MSBit to LSBit transmission protocols.
The default transmission order is LSBit to MSBit.
Flip Transmitter input data
This option reverses the bit order of the data bits
at the input of the transmitter at a byte level to
support MSBit to LSBit transmission protocols.
The default transmission order is LSBit to MSBit.
Enable Transmitter bit
This option inverts (flips) the bit order of the data
bits at the transmitter PCS-PMA interface at a
byte level to support MSBit to LSBit transmission
protocols. The default transmission is LSBit to
8B/10B encoder section in the
Stratix II GX Transceiver
Architecture Overview
in volume 2 of the
Stratix II GX
Device Handbook.
to enable word aligner
polarity inversion
This optional port allows you to dynamically
reverse the polarity of the received data at the
input of the word aligner.
Word Aligner section in the
Stratix II GX Transceiver
Architecture Overview
in volume 2 of the
Stratix II GX
Device Handbook.
to allow Transmitter polarity
This optional port allows you to dynamically
reverse the polarity of the data to be transmitted
at the transmitter PCS-PMA interface.
8B/10B encoder section in the
Stratix II GX Transceiver
Architecture Overview
in volume 2 of the
Stratix II GX
Device Handbook.
Table 4–9. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Options (Page 11 for Basic Mode) (Part 2 of 2)
ALT2GXB Setting