'Network' task card
Checklist for network and BACnet configuration
342 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
Element in the structure tree
Configuration in the detail editor
Required setting/value
'BACnet client supervision'
'Client supervision timeout'
2.2 times value of BACnet client's
query cycle
'BDT entry'
'IP address' for partner BBMD
Depending on network configuration
'BACnet UDP port'
'Broadcast distribution mask'
Table 20: Checklist for BACnet configuration
Checklist in the event of problems with integration
Possible causes and measures
Communication fault between a
BACnet client and an C-WEB 'Station',
e.g., displayed on MM8000
Check the following points:
license key is installed in all
BACnet communication is enabled in all 'Stations'
BACnet clients (device IDs) are correctly configured
IP addresses are entered correctly in all 'Stations' and on the PC
Routes are entered correctly on the PC
Communication fault between Cerberus-
Engineering-Tool and 'Station'
Check the following points:
Access to the 'Station' is registered with password
IP addresses are entered correctly in the 'Station' and on the PC
Routes are entered correctly on the PC
Transactions are aborted (network
analysis, e.g. Wireshark: 'Abort' –
'timeout' message)
'APDU timeout' on 'Stations' and
management station must be at
least 6 s
Table 21: Checklist in the event of problems with integration