Program operation
Moving an element
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Building Technologies
Fire Safety
6.11 Moving an element
You can move an element using the standard Windows function 'Drag and drop' or
with 'Cut' and 'Paste'.
When dragging an element, the mouse pointer shows whether the element can be
placed at the respective position or on the respective element. An element with
child elements cannot be dragged and dropped without its child elements. If a
subtree is moved, then various attributes of the parent element are automatically
updated, such as the address of the element in the
If you press the 'Ctrl' key when dragging, the mouse pointer indicates a '+' and
copies the element when dropping.
An element can only be moved or copied from one
'Station' to another 'Station'
if both 'Stations' are loaded.
An element can be moved only within the same task card.
Handling assignments when moving
Moving elements inside a 'Station':
assignments to the hardware are also moved.
The assignments to the control are also moved.
Moving elements between different 'Stations':
The assignments to the hardware are deleted.
The assignments to the control and detection elements are also moved.
6.12 Re-addressing elements
Elements can be re-addressed in the tree view, e.g. to close gaps in the address
sequence or to paste elements into particular positions. This application is mainly
of use in the 'Detection' task card at the 'Zone' level.
Depending on the element category, the elements are readdressed either system-
wide or only within the parent element. If, for example, you readdress a 'Zone', then
'Zones' will be readdressed system-wide. If you readdress a logical channel in a
'Zone', then only the logical channels within the 'Zone' will be readdressed. Before
elements are readdressed system-wide, a message is displayed that you must