'Control' task card
Alarming control group
179 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
2. Assign 'Causes' to a PMI in the 'Operation tree' / event category 'Cause 'RT
isolation'' > ' --Access level <> default level'. Link [
3. Highlight the assigned PMI element in the tree view.
4. In the 'Required access level' field of the detail editor, determine the minimum
access level that must be reached for remote transmission to be deactivated.
'All activations'
To attain automatic isolation by any control, proceed as follows:
1. Select 'Control' >
'Station' > 'Alarming control group' > 'RT' element in the
task card.
2. Assign 'Causes' to a 'Fire control' element in the 'Control tree' / event
category'Cause 'RT isolation'' > 'All activations'. Link [
3. In the tree view, highlight the 'Fire control' assignment and use the hyperlink in
the detail editor to navigate to the original 'Fire control' element.
4. Assign its cause to the corresponding input.