'Hardware' task card
140 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
'Short circuit monitoring enabled'
This setting specifies whether the monitoring is activated when there is a short
circuit. The short circuit monitoring requires a special wiring.
If the short circuit monitoring is deactivated, then a short circuit is evaluated as
'active'. This can be used for the connection of old detectors with bimetallic
switches or of manual call points with switches. For these applications, you must
deactivate the short circuit monitoring and assign the input to a 'Zone'.
'Suppress fault message upon 'open line' on input'
If the checkbox is checked, open line monitoring of the input / output module is
suppressed on the control panel.
If the input is operated without an EOL resistor, the checkbox must be checked.
Properties on the 'Overview' tab of an output with monitoring
'Output mode'
Outputs in 'Inactive: On / active: Off' mode are not EN 54-relevant and therefore
are not fail-safe.
The setting defines the behavior of the output signal in the active or inactive status
of the logic. Examples:
'Inactive: Off / active: On': The output signal is deactivated when the logic is
inactive and activated when it is active.
'Inactive: Off / active: Intermittent, fast (0.25s/0.25s)': The output signal is
deactivated when the logic is inactive. When the logic is active, it is 0.25 s
HIGH and 0.25 s LOW (alternating).
'Always Off': The output signal is deactivated when the logic is either inactive or
'Output fail safe position'
This setting specifies the position of the output if the communication between
device and line interface is disrupted or if the line voltage fails.
'Enable temporary freeze of output position'
If the checkbox is checked, the 'Freeze selected outputs ON' command is available
for the output. The position of the output is not changed if the
'Station' or line is
restarted, a configuration is loaded to the 'Station', or a module is reset.
'Output monitoring'
This setting defines the jumper position of the device for configuring output
See also