Measurement with MiniFlex Guidance
MiniFlex 600: Benchtop X-ray Diffractometer
BG condition: Do not measure (Uncheck the
BG Measurements
check box
shown in Fig. 8.7.)
Measurement condition when using the variable slit system with D/teX
Ultra are listed below as a reference.
40 kV - 15 mA
Divergence slit: Insert IHS 10 mm to the DS.
Scattering slit: SS = OPEN
Receiving slit: RS = OPEN
Insert the Ni filter into the position of the receiving slit.
There are two types of Ni filter: standard type (0.015 mm)
and twice as thick type (0.030 mm). If Kβ X-ray issues occur
with the standard type, use the twice as thick type.
Slit condition: Variable slit system
Scan axis:
Theta/2-Theta (Fixed)
Scan mode:
Continuous (Fixed)
Counting unit: cps (Changeable at the time of processing.)
Start angle:
Stop angle:
Scan speed:
BG condition: Do not measure (Cannot be used for D/teX Ultra.)