Setting and Adjustment
MiniFlex 600: Benchtop X-ray Diffractometer
Data Measurement and Setting Procedure for
Real-Time 2 theta Axis Correction (Required for
Initial Setup or Periodic Inspection)
The function of real-time angle correction measures Si powder whose diffraction
angle is known, calculates the mechanical error associated with individual
goniometer based on the difference between the peak angle (calculated value)
whose system error is corrected and the measured angle, registers the error in a
database, and corrects the 2
axis angle in real time during measurement.
Theoretically, the function enhances the measured angle accuracy to a level
equivalent to the angle reproducibility of goniometer. This makes the system
independent from the mechanical accuracy of the goniometer. The impact of the
differences between individual goniometers on the angle error is minimized,
making it possible to compare sets of data measured with different XRD systems
as they are, without the need to verify their validity. The correction data
measurement and registration methods are described below.
Place the included Si powder (NIST SRM640d) on a glass sample plate
(0.5mm in depth), and set the plate on the sample holder (see
Measurement of Samples (Daily routine)
* The sample must be placed evenly and flat. It is important that the
sample surface and the sample plate are on the same plane. If it is not so,
the angle error margin occurs.
The setting jig (with Si) cannot be used for angle correction.