4. Disconnect
F -R
term in al
connector at the
D elcotron.
5. Connect the jum per w ire between D elcotron " F ” and
battery term in als.
6. Connect the battery ground cable at the battery.
7. Connect an adjustable carbon p ile a cro ss the battery
8. Start the engine and slow ly bring the speed to 1500
rpm and at the sam e tim e adjust the carbon p ile
load to hold the voltage at 14 volts.
9. Read the am perage and com pare with a specification s
10. Turn o ff ignition, disconnect battery ground cable,
and rem ove all test equipment.
11. If the D elcotron m eets the test sp ecification s, the
problem is not in the gen erator.
12. If the D elcotron fa ils to m eet the test sp ecification s,
rem ove it and p e rfo rm bench tests and make rep a ir
Delcotron Diode and Field Test (Fig. 8c)
These tests w ill indicate good, shorted
o r open fie ld o r shorted diode but w ill not in
dicate a failed open diode. If output was low
and follow ing tests show good, r e fe r to s e rv ic e
operations to determ ine cause and rep a ir.
1. Disconnect battery ground cable at battery.
2. P o s itiv e diodes (T e s t A ) —connect an ohm m eter b e
tween “ R ” term in al and “ B A T ” term in al and note
reading, then r e v e r s e the leads at same term in als
and note this reading. M eter should read high r e
sistance in one d irection and low in the other.
3. N egative diodes (T e s t B) — connect ohm m eter between
“ R ” term in al and “ GRD” and note reading, then
r e v e r s e the leads and note this reading. M eter
should read high in one direction and low in the
A high o r low reading in both d irection s
indicates a d e fective diode.
4. Open F ield Check:
a. Connect an ohm m eter fro m “ F ” term in al to
“ GRD” term in al stud and note reading on the
low est range scale. M eter should read 7 to 20
b. If m eter reads z e ro o r e x c e s s iv e ly high r e s is t
ance the D elcotron is faulty.
5. If above tests indicate a d efective D elcotron, rem ove
and com pletely check D elcotron as outlined under
“ S e rvice O perations.”
Indicator L a m p /In itia l Field Excitation Circuit Tests
5 .5 " -6 .2 " Systems
On standard m odels the indicator lamp c ircu it p rovid es
in itial fie ld excitation (causing lamp to glow ). The light
is can celled by closing the fie ld re la y which applies
battery voltage to both side o f bulb (bulb goes out).
The indicator light should glow when ignition switch
is “ O N ” and go out alm ost im m ediately when engine
A m m eter equipped v e h ic le s use the same in itial fie ld
excitation and control c ircu its as the indicator lamp
except the lamp is om itted. The continuity tests on both
type v eh icles can be made as follow s:
If Lam p F a ils to Glow or A m m eter F a ils to Function
the P o s s ib le Causes are:
1. Faulty bulb o r bulb socket.
2. Faulty am m eter.
3. An open circu it in w irin g, regu lator, o r field .
4. A shorted p ositive diode - (m ay also cause glow
with ignition switch “ O F F ” ).
Test as Follows:
1. Disconnect connector from regu lator and turn ign i
tion switch to “ O N ” . Connect a test lamp from
connector term in al “ 4” to ground (fig . 9c, Step 1)
and note lamp.
a. Lamp fa ils to glow - check fo r faulty bulb, socket
o r open circu it between switch and regu lator
connector. R ep air as needed.
b. Light goes on - fa ilu re is in regu lator, D elcotron,
o r w ire between “ F ” term in a ls on regu lator and
D elcotron. Go to Step 2.
2. Disconnect lamp lead at ground end and connect
between connector “ F ” and “ 4” term in a ls (fig. 9c,
Step 2), and note lamp:
a. T e s t lamp glow s - p rob lem is in regu lator. An
open c ircu it in regu lator o r rela y is stuck closed.
See “ S ervice O perations” fo r re p a ir.
b. F a ils to glow - problem is in w ire between “ F ”
term in a ls on gen erator and regu lator o r in field
windings. Go to Step 3.
3. Disconnect test lamp at connector “ F ” term in al and
connect to “ F ” term in al on D elcotron (fig. 9c,
Step 3), and note lamp:
a. Lamp glow s - an open circ u it in w ire between
“ F ” term in als - c o r r e c t as needed.
b. F a ils to glow - D elcotron fie ld has open circu it,
see “ S ervice O perations” to re p a ir.
T h is test lamp procedu re may be used
on lamp type circu its and on am m eter circu its.
If Lamp F a ils to Go Out, o r i f A m m eter Shows D is
charge the P o s s ib le Causes are:
1. L oo se d riv e belt - adjust as n ecessary.
2. Faulty fie ld rela y - (see re la y test and adjustm ent).
3. D efective D elcotron - (see D elcotron output test).
4. A t norm al idle - p a ra lle l resistan ce w ire open (See
Содержание 10 Series 1970
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Страница 57: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 27 Fig 35 Compressor M ountings CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 75: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 45 Fig 65 R oof M ounted System W iring Diagram CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 101: ...BODY IB 23 s A ADJUSTER SCREW AND LEVER ASSY Fig 5 9 Exploded V iew o f Level Ride Seat CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 432: ...Fig 1 C lu tch Linkage Except P 2 0 4 0 Series...
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Страница 566: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 4 Fig 3 Front Lighting Assemblies CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 567: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 5 Fig 4 C learance and Id e n tific a tio n Lamps CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 568: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 6 Fig 5 Rear Lighting Composite CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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