B efo re locking clamp bolts on the rods,
m ake sure that the tie rod ends are in alignment
with th eir ball studs (each ball joint is in the
cen ter of its tr a v e l). If the tie rod is not in
alignm ent with the studs, binding w ill result.
A ls o , the s lit in the tie rod must be in alignm ent
with the slot in the clam p and, on C - P 10-20-30
s e r ie s , facing forw ard .
Relay R o d - C -P l 0 -2 0 - 3 0
1. P la c e veh icle on hoist.
2. R em ove inner ends of tie rods fro m re la y rod as
describ ed under T ie Rod - R em oval.
3. R em ove co tter pin and nut fro m re la y rod b a ll and
attachment at pitman arm .
4. Detach re la y rod fro m pitm an arm . Shift steerin g
linkage as req u ired to fr e e pitm an arm fro m re la y
5. R em ove cotter pin and nut fro m id le r arm and r e
m ove re la y rod fro m id le r arm .
1. In sta ll r e la y rod to id le r arm , making certain id le r
stud seal is in p lace, then in sta ll and tighten nut to
sp ecification s. Advance nut just enough to align
castellation with co tter pin hole and in stall pin.
2. R a ise end o f rod and install on pitman arm . Secure
with nut and co tter pin.
3. In stall tie rod ends to r e la y rod as p revio u sly de
scrib ed under T ie Rods.
Lu bricate tie rod ends.
4. R em ove v e h icle fro m hoist.
5. Adjust to e -in (see Section 3) and align steerin g wheel
as d escrib ed p revio u sly in this section under S teer-
W h eel Alignm ent and High Point C entering.
Id ler A rm —C -P l0 -2 0 - 3 0
1. P la c e veh icle on hoist.
2. R em ove cotter pin and nut fro m end of id le r arm and
rem o ve r e la y rod fro m id le r arm .
3. R em ove id le r arm fro m fra m e.
1. P o s itio n id le r arm on fra m e and in stall mounting
bolts (with sp ecial plain w ashers under heads);
tighten nuts to sp ecification s.
2. In sta ll r e la y rod to id le r arm , making certain seal
is on stud, and in stall and tighten nut to s p e c ific a
3. In sta ll co tter pin and secu re.
4. R em ove v e h icle fro m hoist.
Pitman Arm
1. P la c e veh icle on hoist.
2. R em ove co tter pin fro m pitm an arm ball stud and
rem o ve nut.
3. R em ove pitm an arm o r re la y rod fro m b all stud by
tapping on side o f rod o r arm (in which the stud
mounts) with a ham m er while using a heavy ham m er
o r s im ila r tool as a backing (fig. 23). P u ll on linkage
to rem o ve fro m stud.
4. R em ove pitman arm nut fro m s e cto r shaft o r clamp
b olt fro m pitman arm , and m ark relation o f arm
p osition to shaft.
5. R em ove pitman arm , using T o o l J-6632 o r J-5504
fo r 10-20-30 S e ries, and J-21143 fo r 40-50-60 S eries.
1. In sta ll pitman arm on pitman shaft, lining up the
m arks made upon rem oval.
If a clam p type pitman arm is used,
spread the pitman arm just enough, with a
wedge, to slip arm on to pitman shaft.
Do not
spread pitman arm m ore than requ ired to slip
o v e r pitm an shaft with hand pressu re. Do not
ham m er o r damage to steerin g gear m ay result.
2. Make sure that threads on ball studs and in b all stud
nuts are clean and smooth. Check condition o f ball
stud seals; rep la ce if necessary.
If threads a re not clean and smooth,
b all studs m ay turn in sockets when attempting
to tighten nut.
3. Install pitm an shaft nut o r pitm an arm clamp b olt and
torque to sp ecification s.
4. P o sitio n b all stud on to pitman arm o r r e la y rod.
In stall nut and torque to specification s. Continue to
tighten nut enough to align castellation with hole in
stud and in stall c o tter pin.
5. L u b ricate ball studs.
6. R em ove veh icle fro m hoist.
Steering Connecting Rod
1. R em ove co tter pins fro m ball studs and rem o ve cas
tella ted nuts.
2. R em ove b a ll studs fro m steerin g arm and pitman
arm by backing up steerin g arm boss and/or pitman
arm boss with a heavy ham m er and strik in g other
side of boss with lig h te r ham m er (fig. 23).
1. Make sure that threads on ball studs and in b all stud
nuts are clean and smooth. Check condition o f ball
stud seals - rep lace if necessary.
If threads a re not clean and smooth,
ball studs m ay turn in connecting rod when at
tem pting to tighten nut.
2. In stall b all studs in steerin g arm and pitman arm .
3. In stall b all stud nuts and torque to sp ecification s.
Continue to tighten nuts enough to align castellation s
with holes in studs.
4. In stall cotter pins and lubricate.
Steering Arms
If, through c o llis io n o r other damage, it becom es nec
e s s a r y to rem o ve and rep lace either steerin g arm , p ro
ceed as fo llo w s:
1. P la c e veh icle on hoist.
2. R em ove tie rod and, on m odels so equipped, steerin g
connecting rod, fro m steerin g arm as outlined in
this section.
3. R em ove fron t wheel, hub and brake drum as a unit by
rem ovin g hub cap and dust cap, cotter pin fro m spin
dle nut and the spindle nut. P u ll assem bly toward
outside of veh icle. If rem ova l is d ifficu lt, it may be
n ecessa ry to back o ff brake adjustment to in crease
Содержание 10 Series 1970
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Страница 57: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 27 Fig 35 Compressor M ountings CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 75: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 45 Fig 65 R oof M ounted System W iring Diagram CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 101: ...BODY IB 23 s A ADJUSTER SCREW AND LEVER ASSY Fig 5 9 Exploded V iew o f Level Ride Seat CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 432: ...Fig 1 C lu tch Linkage Except P 2 0 4 0 Series...
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Страница 528: ...Fig 31 T yp ica l Power Steering Hose Routings...
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Страница 566: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 4 Fig 3 Front Lighting Assemblies CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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