15. Rem ove flyw h eel housing c o ver. On V -8 engine mod
els, rem ove exhaust c ro s s o v e r pipe.
16. R em ove tran sm ission to flyw h eel housing attaching
R em ove upper bolts fir s t and install
tran sm ission guide pins J-1126.
Use o f the
guide pins w ill preven t damage to the clutch
assem bly.
17. Slide tran sm ission rea rw a rd until main d rive gear
cle a rs the clutch assem bly and lo w e r assem bly from
veh icle.
In s ta lla tio n —“ K” Series Blazer M odels
3 or 4 Speed Transmissions
1. P osition tran sm ission , with tra n s fe r case attached,
to the flyw h eel housing. Install bolts attaching tran s
m ission to flyw h eel housing.
2. Install flyw heel housing co v e r and attaching bolts.
On V-8 m odels, install exhaust c ro s s o v e r pipe.
3. P o sitio n fra m e cro ssm em b er and install retaining
b olts. Install bolts retaining adapter assem bly to
cro ssm em b er
tra n sfer
case to fram e ra il
4. Torqu e front and re a r tra n s fe r case yoke lock nuts to
250 ft. lbs.
5. Install front and r e a r propshafts to tra n sfer case
output yokes.
6. Connect shift con trol rods to tran sm ission le v e r s
and connect speedom eter cable to tra n sfer case.
Connect back-up lamp w irin g and TCS switches.
7. F ill tran sm ission and tra n s fe r case to p ro p er le v e l
with lubricant sp e c ifie d in the Lubricant Section,
Truck Chassis S e rv ic e Manual. L o w e r veh icle on
8. W orking in cab, install tra n sfer case le v e r using
tool J-8109 (m odified).
9. Install transm ission flo o r co ver and attaching bolts.
10. Install heater d istrib u tor duct center outlet.
On m odels with center console, install
console and retaining bolts.
11. Install flo d r mat, tra n s fe r case shift le v e r reta in er
and attaching screw s.
Replacem ent—“ K” Series Except Blazer
3-Speed Transmission
1. R a ise veh icle.
2. D rain tra n sfer case and transm ission. Disconnect
the speedom eter cable fro m speedom eter driven
gea r fitting, back-up lamp switch and TCS switch
3. Disconnect p ro p e lle r shafts fro m U -join t yoke at
case, and tie up out o f way.
4. R em ove cotter pins fro m c le v is pins. Withdraw
c le v is pins to rem ove le v e r - s e le c t o r fro m tra n sfer
5. R em ove bolts holding the bracket assem bly, and con
tr o l le v e r to the adapter assem bly. Push assem bly
to one side.
6. Support tra n sfer case in a suitable cradle.
7. R em ove bolts attaching tra n s fe r case to adapter.
8. R em ove bolts attaching tra n s fe r case to fram e b rack
et at righ t side o f case and rem ove case from
9. Disconnect shift control rods fro m the sh ifter le v e r s
at the transm ission.
10. Support re a r portion o f engine. R em ove two (2)
adapter mount bolts.
11. R em ove the 2 top tran sm ission to clutch housing
cap screw s and in sert 2 tran sm ission guide pins,
T o o l J-1126 in these holes.
12. Rem ove flyw heel under pan. R em ove the 2 low er
tran sm ission -to-clu tch housing cap screw s.
13. Slide the tran sm ission and adapter assem bly straight
back on guide pins until the clutch g e a r is fr e e o f
splines in the clutch disc.
The use o f the 2 guide pins during this
operation w ill support the tran sm ission and p r e
vent damage to the clutch disc through springing.
14. Rem ove transm ission and adapter as an assem bly
fro m under the body.
15. R em ove adapter from transm ission.
16. T o in stall, re v e r s e rem ova l p roced u re.
4-Speed Transmission
1. Follow steps 1-9 outlined under 3-Speed T ra n s m is
sion R em oval.
2. R em ove seat assem bly.
3. Rem ove a c c e le ra to r pedal and flo o r mat.
4. R em ove the sheet m etal screw s attaching tra n sm is
sion c o v e r to body flo o r and rem ove c o ver.
5. R em ove the two top cap screw s attaching the tran s
m ission to clutch housing and in sert the two Guide
Pin s, T o o l J-1126, in these holes.
6. R em ove two (2) adapter mounting bolts.
7. Support re a r o f engine.
8. R em ove the flyw h eel underpan and rem o ve the two
lo w e r tran sm ission to clutch housing capscrew s.
9. Slide
tran sm ission
assem bly
straight back on the guide pins until the clutch gea r
is fr e e o f the splines in the clutch disc. The guide
pins in the top holes support the tran sm ission during
this operation and preven t damage to the clutch disc.
10. Once the clutch gea r is c le a r o f clutch housing tilt
tran sm ission
and adapter assem bly and rem ove
through flo o r pan opening.
11. Rem ove adapter fro m transm ission.
12. T o in stall, r e v e r s e rem oval p rocedu re.
In som e instances where " e x c e s s iv e " gea r whine or
high gea r hop out, p a rticu la rly at 50 M PH and up, a re
encountered; and a fte r a ll other probable causes have
been checked, an alignm ent check o f the tran sm ission and
clutch housing may be helpful.
A special tool, on which a dial indicator is mounted, is
n ecessary to check the tran sm ission case re a r b ore
alignm ent. T h is tool may be made from a new o r good
used clutch gea r which has a good bearin g surface on the
crankshaft p ilot end and at the front main bearing
The splines on the clutch gea r shaft and the teeth on the
clutch gea r should be ground o ff so the shaft may be
rotated in a clutch disc hub without in terferen ce when
assem bled in the car. W eld a piece o f 1/4" rod in the
mainshaft pilot b ore long enough to extend out the case
re a r b ore. A ssem b le a good bearin g on the clutch gear
shaft and secure it with the clutch gea r b earin g snap
rin g. Attach a suitable dial indicator to the rod.
Содержание 10 Series 1970
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Страница 57: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 27 Fig 35 Compressor M ountings CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 75: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 45 Fig 65 R oof M ounted System W iring Diagram CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 101: ...BODY IB 23 s A ADJUSTER SCREW AND LEVER ASSY Fig 5 9 Exploded V iew o f Level Ride Seat CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 142: ...CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL Fig 5 10 30 Series Truck Frame FRAME 2 4...
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Страница 228: ...REAR SUSPENSION AND DRIVE LINE 4 52 I Fig 88 Forward Rear A xle Assembly Exploded V iew CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 383: ...ENGINE FUEL 6M 19 F ig I t Engine Fuel S p ecial Tools CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 432: ...Fig 1 C lu tch Linkage Except P 2 0 4 0 Series...
Страница 433: ...CLUTCHES AND TRANSMISSIONS 7 3 Fig 2 C lutch Linkage Step Van P 20 40 Series CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 506: ...FUEL TANK AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS 8 8 Fig 10 Vent Lines Cab M ounted Tanks CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 528: ...Fig 31 T yp ica l Power Steering Hose Routings...
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Страница 566: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 4 Fig 3 Front Lighting Assemblies CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 567: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 5 Fig 4 C learance and Id e n tific a tio n Lamps CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 568: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 6 Fig 5 Rear Lighting Composite CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 597: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 35 Fig 37 Engine Com partm ent CE M E60 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 598: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 36 TO FRAME i f Fig 38 Engine Com partm ent C D 50 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 610: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 48 Fig 50 Instrument Panel CE M E60 03 13 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 614: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 52 Fig 54 Instrument Panel SA40 50 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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