5. Install le v e r on cable by com pressin g the spring and
in sertin g cable in channel o f le v e r . R elea se spring.
6. In stall p rim a ry shoe (sh ort lining) to le v e r as f o l
low s: place pin in le v e r , p lace w asher on pin and
push pin through hole in p rim a ry shoe. Fasten
p arts together by installin g the clip in groove o f pin.
7. Fasten two brake shoe and linings togeth er by in
stallin g connecting spring. M ove the shoes toward
each other and in sta ll adjusting screw .
8. Lu bricate the backing plate contact su rfa ces. (V e ry
ligh t coat o f lube).
9. P la c e shoe and linings in position on backing plate.
When facing the brake assem bly, the
shoe with the short lining should be to the le ft
with the le v e r assem bled to it.
10. P u ll brake shoes apart and in stall strut le v e r and
sprin g between them. The loop on the strut spring
should be in the “ up” position.
11. In stall hold down pins, w ashers, springs and cups
fro m backing plate to shoes.
12. P la ce guide plate on anchor pin.
13. In stall pull back springs.
14. R em ove the “ knock out” plug ( i f n ecessary) and in
sta ll a rubber plug in the brake drum adjusting hole.
15. Install the brake drum.
16. Install the p ro p e lle r shaft.
Adjustm ent
1. Jack up at lea st one re a r wheel. B lock wheels and
re le a s e the hand brake.
2. Rotate the brake drum to bring an access hole into
line with adjusting screw .
3. Expand shoes by rotating adjusting s c re w until the
shoes are tight against the drum and the drum cannot
be rotated.
4. Back o ff the adjusting s c re w 5 notches and check the
drum fo r fr e e rotation.
5. L o w e r the re a r w heel o r wheels and rem ove the
wheel blocks.
(Used w ith ME 6 0 and 4 2 7 Cu. In. Engine)
Internal expanding type parking brake is mounted at
r e a r o f transm ission. Brake support plate is attached to
tran sm ission r e a r bearin g cap o r reta in er with four
b olts. Brake drum is mounted between u n iversal joint
flan ges and is secured with eight bolts.
Parking Brake Adjustment
A brake adjustment should be made b e fo re it becom es
n e cessa ry to pull hand brake le v e r to lim it o f tra v e l to
obtain a fu ll brake application.
1. Jack up at lea st one r e a r wheel. B lock w heels and
re le a s e hand brake.
2. Rem ove co tter pin and c le v is pin connecting pull rod
and re la y le v e r . This w ill assure freed om fo r full
shoe re le a s e .
3. Rotate brake drum to b rin g one o f access holes into
line with adjusting s c re w at bottom o f shoes.
4. Expand shoes by rotating a d j u s t i n g s crew with
s c re w d riv e r in serted through hole in drum. M ove
outer end of s c r e w d r iv e r away fro m d rive shaft.
Continue adjustment until shoes a re tight against
drum and drum cannot be rotated by hand. Back o ff
adjustment four (4) notches and check drum fo r fre e
5. P la c e parking brake le v e r in fu lly re le a s e d position.
Take up slack in brake linkage by pulling back on
con trol le v e r just enough to overcom e spring tension.
Adjust c le v is o f pull rod to line up with hole in rela y
le v e r . In sert c le v is pin and cotter pin, then tighten
c le v is lock nut.
6. L o w e r re a r wheels. Rem ove jack and wheel blocks.
Brake Drum Removal
1. Jack up at lea st one re a r wheel. Block wheels and
re le a s e parking brake.
2 .
Disconnect u n iversal joint at brake drum, as in stru c
in “ P R O P E L L E R
S H A F T S ” (Sec. 4).
3. R em ove eight nuts and lock washers holding yoke
flange and brake drum. Rem ove yoke flange. L ift
drum ca refu lly o ff mounting bolts to avoid damage to
Brake Drum Installation
1. L ift brake drum and in stall ca refu lly o v e r brake
shoes and onto eight mounting bolts. Install yoke
flange and eight nuts and lock w ashers. Tighten nuts
altern ately and evenly.
2 .
Adjust brake as d irected under “ Parkin g Brake
Adjustm ent” .
3. Connect p ro p e lle r shaft u niversal joint as d irected in
“ P R O P E L L E R S H A F T S ” (Sec. 4).
Brake Shoe Removal
1. Rem ove two return springs and anchor pin link fro m
cam ends of brake shoes. Spread ends o f brake shoes
fa r enough to p e rm it rem o va l fro m support plate.
Rem ove shoes, then separate by rem ovin g adjusting
s crew and adjusting s c re w spring.
2 .
Replace lining i f worn down close to r iv e t heads.
R iv e t new lining secu rely and evenly on shoes.
3. Inspect two shoe return springs, and adjusting s crew
spring. P a rts damaged o r worn should be replaced
with new p arts.
Brake Shoe Installation
1. Apply thin coat o f lubricant on su rface of support
plate at points in contact with brake shoes. Apply
sparin gly to socket end o f adjusting s c re w and in stall
adjusting s c re w socket.
2 .
Insert adjusting s c re w between adjusting ends o f
brake shoes. Adjusting wheel should be n earest le ft
shoe. Install adjusting s crew spring.
3. Spread apart cam ends o f brake shoes. L ift shoes
v e r tic a lly and push into position on support plate.
Install anchor pin b race and two shoe return springs.
Support Plate Removal
1. R em ove p ro p e lle r shaft flange at mainshaft as d ir e c
ted in “ T R A N S M IS S IO N " (Sec. 7) of this manual.
2 .
R em ove brake shoe and lining assem blies.
3. R em ove c o tter pin and cle v is pin attaching con trol
le v e r to link.
4. M ark con trol le v e r and camshaft so that parts may
be p ro p e rly reassem b led . Loosen clamp bolt and
slide con trol le v e r o ff s erra ted camshaft. R em ove
cam shaft fro m cam shaft bracket.
5. R em ove bolts attaching plate to transm ission re a r
bearin g cap, then rem o ve plate.
Содержание 10 Series 1970
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Страница 57: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 27 Fig 35 Compressor M ountings CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 75: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 45 Fig 65 R oof M ounted System W iring Diagram CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 101: ...BODY IB 23 s A ADJUSTER SCREW AND LEVER ASSY Fig 5 9 Exploded V iew o f Level Ride Seat CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 432: ...Fig 1 C lu tch Linkage Except P 2 0 4 0 Series...
Страница 433: ...CLUTCHES AND TRANSMISSIONS 7 3 Fig 2 C lutch Linkage Step Van P 20 40 Series CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 506: ...FUEL TANK AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS 8 8 Fig 10 Vent Lines Cab M ounted Tanks CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 528: ...Fig 31 T yp ica l Power Steering Hose Routings...
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Страница 566: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 4 Fig 3 Front Lighting Assemblies CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 568: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 6 Fig 5 Rear Lighting Composite CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 598: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 36 TO FRAME i f Fig 38 Engine Com partm ent C D 50 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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