o f the file they should be replaced. Adjust ignition tim ing
a fte r points have been replaced.
F ill the hinge cap o ile r with engine o il e v e ry 12,000
m ile s on the 366 V -8 engine. Rotate the cam lu b ricator
1/2 turn on 6 cylin d er m odels o r turn lu b rica tor end fo r
end on 8 cylin d er m odels. R eplace the lu b ricator at
24,000 m ile in terva ls.
Battery (Energizer)
D isconnect
when charging battery to preven t acciden tally
r e v e r s e p o la rizin g the charging system and
causing damage to the system .
The liquid le v e l in the battery should be checked p e r i
o d ic a lly by inspecting the second b attery cap fro m the
p o s itiv e term in a l. If the " e y e ” has a dark appearance,
the liquid is at a p ro p er le v e l. The " e y e ” w ill glow if the
liqu id le v e l is low . N o rm a lly, when the " e y e ” indicates
a low liquid le v e l condition, the other fiv e c e lls should be
If the liquid le v e l is found to be low , w ater should be
added to each c e ll until the liquid le v e l r is e s to the bot
tom o f the split rin g. DO NO T O V E R F IL L . If the bat
te r y is continaully low , have gen era tor regu lator checked.
D is tille d w ater should be used in o rd e r to elim inate the
p o s s ib ility of harm ful im p u rities being added to the
e le c tro ly te . DO N O T ADD A N Y SU BSTANCE TO TH E
E L E C T R O L Y T E E X C E P T W A T E R .
In fre e z in g w eather the veh icle must be driven a fter
adding w ater to p ro p e rly m ix it with the e le c tro ly te and
p reven t fre e zin g .
B attery—Gas W arning
Since norm al battery o r E n e rg iz e r chem ical reaction
gen era tes hydrogen gas which is exp losive when m ixed
with a ir, n ever expose the battery to an open flam e or
e le c tr ic spark. A ls o , avoid getting battery fluid, which
is a su lfu ric acid solution, on skin, on clothing o r other
fa b ric s , o r on painted su rfaces. Eye p rotection should be
w orn while working on the battery fo r any reason.
Battery Terminals
The bolt-on b attery cable term in a ls must be clean and
When co rro s io n appears on the term in als they
should be cleaned in a solution o f baking soda and w ater
o r ammonia and w ater. A fte r cleaning, the top o f the
b a ttery should be flushed o ff with clean w ater. Saturate
term in a l w asher with engine o il e v e ry 6000 m iles.
G enerator
The connections in the en tire charging system must be
kept tight and fre e fro m c o rro sio n o r anything that w ill
cause high resistan ce in the circu it.
N e v e r rem o ve D elcotron bat lead w ith
out fir s t disconnecting battery ground cable.
Do not short a c ro s s o r attempt to
p o la riz e system .
Spark Plugs
Clean the spark plugs thoroughly, using an a b rasive
type clea n er. If the p o rcela in is badly glazed o r b lis
tered , the spark plugs should be replaced. A ll spark
plugs must be o f the same make and heat range.
Starting M oto r
Check the solenoid mounting and starting m otor mount
ing attaching bolts p e rio d ic a lly .
H ead lig h t A im ing
P r o p e r aim ing o f the headlights is m ost im portant to
assu re sufficient illum ination of the highway without
blinding other m otorists.
Bulb Service
Due to the d ifferen t types o f lam ps, there a re s e v e ra l
d iffe re n t p rocedu res coverin g bulb replacem en t. The
bulb sockets fo r the parking lam ps unsnap and pull out o f
the housings. A ll lam ps on the re a r o f the veh icle have
len ses only that a re attached d ire c tly to the lam p body.
T o rem o ve the bulb a fte r a ccess has been gained, push
bulb in slightly and turn it counterclockw ise as fa r as
p ossib le and pull it out o f its socket. T o install new
bulb, line up pins on sides o f bulb with the g ro o v e s in
socket and push in place and turn clock w ise to lock it in.
R eassem b le lamp and be carefu l o f lamp lens seal (if so
The inhibited year-arou n d engine coolant, used to fill
the cooling system at the fa ctory is a high quality solu
tion that m eets G eneral M otors S pecification 1899-M.
T h is fa c to r y - fill coolant solution is form ulated to with
stand two full calendar y e a rs o f norm al operation without
draining o r adding in hibitors, provided the sam e concen
tration o f coolant is added if the system needs additional
flu id between drain p erio d s. The orig in a l fa ctory fill
coolant p ro vid es fre e z in g protection to -20°F (-3 2 °F in
E v e ry two y e a rs , the coolant system should be s e r v
iced as follow s:
1. Drain coolant, when hot, through the rad iator drain
va lve.
2. C lose va lve and add sufficient plain w ater to fill
system .
3. Run engine until norm al operating tem preatu re is
4. D rain and r e f ill the system as d escrib ed in steps 1,
2, and 3 a su fficien t number o f tim es until the drained
liquid is c o lo rle s s .
5. A llo w system to drain com pletely and then close
rad iator drain va lve tightly.
6. Add the n ecessa ry amount of high quality inhibited
glyco l base coolant m eeting GM S pecification 1899-M
to provide the requ ired fre e zin g and c o rro sio n p ro
tection (at lea st to 0°F.)
7. Run engine until norm al operating tem perature is
8. Check and adjust le v e l o f coolant a fte r system has
cooled su fficien tly to rem ove rad iator cap.
The fr e e z e p rotection should be at a le v e l com m en
surate with the tem peratu res which may occur in the
a rea in which the veh icle w ill be operated. R eg a rd less
o f whether fre e z in g tem peratu res a re o r a re not e x
pected, cooling system protection should be maintained
at least to 0°F. to p rovid e adequate co rro s io n protection.
When adding solution due to lo ss o f coolant fo r any reason
o r in a rea s w here tem peratu res lo w er than -20°F . (-3 2 °F
in Canada) may occu r, a sufficient amount o f an ethylene
g ly c o l base coolant m eeting GM Specification 1899-M
should be used.
A lco h o l o r methanol base coolants o r
Содержание 10 Series 1970
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Страница 57: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 27 Fig 35 Compressor M ountings CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 75: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 45 Fig 65 R oof M ounted System W iring Diagram CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 101: ...BODY IB 23 s A ADJUSTER SCREW AND LEVER ASSY Fig 5 9 Exploded V iew o f Level Ride Seat CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 383: ...ENGINE FUEL 6M 19 F ig I t Engine Fuel S p ecial Tools CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 432: ...Fig 1 C lu tch Linkage Except P 2 0 4 0 Series...
Страница 433: ...CLUTCHES AND TRANSMISSIONS 7 3 Fig 2 C lutch Linkage Step Van P 20 40 Series CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 506: ...FUEL TANK AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS 8 8 Fig 10 Vent Lines Cab M ounted Tanks CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 528: ...Fig 31 T yp ica l Power Steering Hose Routings...
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Страница 566: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 4 Fig 3 Front Lighting Assemblies CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 568: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 6 Fig 5 Rear Lighting Composite CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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