1. R em ove the tran sm ission from the veh icle and com
p le te ly d isassem b le, except fo r the re v e r s e id le r
g ea r.
In any case where the clutch g e a r pilot
o r p ilo t b earin g is e x c e s s iv e ly loose o r worn,
the p ilo t b earin g should be rep laced b efo re
checking the tran sm ission case re a r bore align
ment by the dial indicator method.
2. C a refu lly install the sp ecial tool with the dial indi
cator in the tran sm ission case with the face o f the
indicator to the re a r o f the case and with the tracing
fin g e r contacting the I.D. o f the case r e a r
b ore.
Secure in place with a clutch gea r bearing reta in er.
3. A ssem b le the tran sm ission case to the clutch housing
and tighten the four tran sm ission mounting bolts
secu rely.
Be sure to clean o ff any paint o r other
fo reign m a teria l on the mating fa ces o f the
clutch housing and tran sm ission as any foreign
m a terial on these fa ces w ill change alignment;
also, check c a re fu lly fo r dings o r b u rrs on
these m ating su rfaces and rem ove ca refu lly as
n ecessary.
4. D ial indicate the tran sm ission case re a r bore and
re c o rd the indicator readings in the 12, 3, 6 and 9
o 'c lo c k positions.
It is best to start the reading at the
3, 6, 9 o r 12 o 'c lo c k position c lo sest to the point
w here the indicator plunger reach es its m axi
mum outward tra v e l. Set the dial indicator at
" 0 " at this location and then re c o rd the 3, 6, 9
and 12 o 'c lo c k readings in rotation.
5. Install tem p ora ry slotted shim s between the tra n s
m ission case and the clutch housing in the quantities
and at the bolt locations as n ecessa ry to bring m is
alignm ent at the tran sm ission case r e a r b ore to a
maximum o f .005" indicator reading in eith er the
v e r tic a l o r h orizontal d irection .
If the maximum indicator reading
is at the 12 o 'c lo c k position, put shims on the
two bottom bolts.
6. A fte r the position and quantity o f shims has been
determ ined and record ed the tran sm ission case may
be rem oved.
T h e clutch housing should then b e
stamped, showing the position w here shim s a re
to be installed and the thickness o f shim s at
each location.
7. Inspect the external clutching teeth of the clutch gea r
and second speed gea r. Inspect the second and third
speed clutch internal clutching teeth. If the teeth a re
w orn o r tapered, even sligh tly, the ge a rs should be
replaced. R eassem ble the transm ission.
8. Install the tran sm ission assem bly to the clutch hous
ing, using the c o r r e c t number o f shims at the prop er
locations as p revio u sly determ ined. Shims a re a v a il
able by unit part number with each unit consisting
o f the follow in g shims:
4 --.0 0 2 " shims
Id en tification --tw o co rn ers cut off.
2 --.0 0 5 " shims
Id en tification --on e co rn er cut off.
1 --.0 1 0 " shims
Id e n tifica tio n --a ll co rn ers square.
These sp ecial shim s have a tab on one
end fo r ease o f installation. Do not slot the
shims fo r the perm anent installation.
1. Drain lubricant fro m transm ission.
2. Disconnect p r o p e lle r shaft fro m tran sm ission as
d escrib ed in " P R O P E L L E R S H A F T S " (Section 4) o f
this manual.
3. On 3-speed and W arn er 4 - speed tran sm ission s, p e r
fo rm the follow in g replacem ent procedu res:
a. Rem ove slip joint yoke from re a r o f tra n sm is
sion mainshaft.
b. P r y seal out o f extension housing o r rem ove o il
seal using o il seal re m o v e r (J-5859) and slide
ham m er (J-2619) as shown in F igu re 4C.
c. Coat outer diam eter o f new o il seal with sealing
cem ent. Install new o il seal using extension hous
ing o il seal in s ta lle r (J-5154).
d. Install slip joint yoke on re a r o f tran sm ission
4. On Muncie and New P r o c e s s 4-speed tran sm ission s,
p e rfo rm the follow ing:
a. R em ove parking brake from re a r o f tran sm ission
as d escrib ed in "P A R K IN G B R A K E " (Section 5),
when used.
b. Disconnect speedom eter cable and rem ove speed
om eter d riven gea r fro m mainshaft re a r bearin g
c. Using flange o r yoke holding tool, rem o ve the out
put yoke o r companion flange nut. P u ll output
yoke o r companion flange nut o ff the mainshaft.
d. Rem ove m ainshaft re a r bearing cap and gasket.
D iscard gasket.
e. Rem ove o il seal from re a r b earin g cap. D iscard
o il seal.
f . Coat outer diam eter o f new o il seal with sealing
cem ent. Install o il seal in re a r b earin g cup using
a suitable in s ta lle r. D rive seal flush with outside
o f re a r bearin g cap, being carefu l not to damage
seal as shown in F igu re 5C.
On Muncie 4 - speed use In sta ller J-
22834 with A dapter J-22834-1 as required.
g. Clean a ll gasket su rfaces, then install the re a r
bearing cap with a new gasket on the tran sm is
sion. Tighten cap screw s fir m ly .
Содержание 10 Series 1970
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Страница 57: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 27 Fig 35 Compressor M ountings CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 75: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 45 Fig 65 R oof M ounted System W iring Diagram CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 101: ...BODY IB 23 s A ADJUSTER SCREW AND LEVER ASSY Fig 5 9 Exploded V iew o f Level Ride Seat CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 142: ...CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL Fig 5 10 30 Series Truck Frame FRAME 2 4...
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Страница 228: ...REAR SUSPENSION AND DRIVE LINE 4 52 I Fig 88 Forward Rear A xle Assembly Exploded V iew CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 383: ...ENGINE FUEL 6M 19 F ig I t Engine Fuel S p ecial Tools CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 432: ...Fig 1 C lu tch Linkage Except P 2 0 4 0 Series...
Страница 433: ...CLUTCHES AND TRANSMISSIONS 7 3 Fig 2 C lutch Linkage Step Van P 20 40 Series CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 506: ...FUEL TANK AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS 8 8 Fig 10 Vent Lines Cab M ounted Tanks CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 528: ...Fig 31 T yp ica l Power Steering Hose Routings...
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Страница 566: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 4 Fig 3 Front Lighting Assemblies CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 567: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 5 Fig 4 C learance and Id e n tific a tio n Lamps CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 568: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 6 Fig 5 Rear Lighting Composite CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 597: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 35 Fig 37 Engine Com partm ent CE M E60 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
Страница 598: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 36 TO FRAME i f Fig 38 Engine Com partm ent C D 50 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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Страница 614: ...ELECTRICAL BODY AND CHASSIS 12 52 Fig 54 Instrument Panel SA40 50 CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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