7. Back o ff inner lock nut 90° (1/4 turn). Install keeper
(w ash er with holes) and align tang with slot in
spindle. Tighten outer lock nut to 50 ft. lbs.
F inal b earin g adjusting should be from
.001" to .010" end play.
8. In stall internal clutch g e a r c o lla r and gear.
9. Install lock ring at end o f axle shaft.
A ssem b ly o f Locking Hub Cap A ssem b ly
a. Use
“ O ”
ring lube and in stall the new “ O " ring
in the g ro o ve o f the p la stic hub key knob and in
s e r t into reta in er cap.
b. Install the lock ring securing the plastic key knob
to the hub reta in er cap.
Check to see that lock rin g is fu lly en
gaged into slot by pushing outward on the plastic
c. Install the slotted adjustment s leeve with the two
tabs facin g downward.
d. Install the key knob retaining r o ll pin with knob
in “ L O C K E D ” position.
e. Install spring.
f . P la ce outer clutch g e a r assem bly on top o f
spring, com p ress spring and in stall lock ring at
s le e v e end.
g. Turn key knob to " F R E E ” position.
B efo re continuing to in sta ll the exten
sion housing and the assem bled cap assem bly,
rem ove the head fro m a 3/8” bolt 5 inches long
and use to align the assem bly o f p arts to the hub.
10. In stall above noted bolt alignm ent tool into one o f the
hub housing bolt holes.
11. In stall the new e x te r io r s le e v e extension housing
gasket and housing and the new hub reta in er cap
assem bly gasket and cap assem bly.
12. In stall alien head bolts secu ring the reta in er cap a s
sem bly to the wheel hub. Torque to sp ecification s.
13. Turn hub key knob to the locked position to assure
engagem ent into position.
14. Install wheel and tir e assem bly and lo w er veh icle on
FRONT AXLE ASSEMBLY (Refer to Fig. 4 4 )
1. D i s a s s e m b l e p r o p e lle r shaft fro m front axle
d ifferen tia l.
2. R aise front o f v e h icle on hoist until weight is r e
m oved fro m fron t sp rin gs. Support truck with jack
stands behind fron t springs.
3. D isconnect connecting rod fro m steerin g arm .
4. Disconnect brake hoses fro m fra m e fittin gs.
5. D isconnect shock absorb ers fro m axle brackets.
6. Dismount " U ” bolts fro m axle to separate axle fro m
truck springs.
7. R o ll front axle out fro m under the truck.
A ll spring attachments, including cen ter
bolts, are im portant attaching p arts in that they
could a ffect the p erform a n ce o f v ita l components
and system s, and/or could resu lt in m ajor r e
p a ir expense. They must be replaced with parts
o f the same part numbers o r with equivalent
parts i f replacem ent becom es n ecessa ry. Do not
use replacem ent parts o f le s s e r quality o r sub
stitute design. Torque values must be used as
sp ecified during rea ssem b ly to assure p ro p er
retention o f these parts.
1. Truck should be on jack stands as in Step 2 o f r e
m oval instructions.
2. P la ce axle in position under truck.
3. Install “ U ” bolts attaching axle to fron t springs.
4. Attach shock ab sorb ers to axle brackets.
5. Connect brake hoses to fram e fittin gs.
6. Attach connecting rod to steerin g arm .
7. Rem ove jack stands and lo w e r fron t o f truck.
8. A ssem b le p ro p e lle r shaft to front axle d ifferen tia l.
9. L o w e r veh icle on hoist.
Disassembly (Refer to Front A x le Assem bly for
Rem oval of A xle From Vehicle)
R e fe r to K10 o r K20 fr e e w heeling hub
fo r rem o va l o f 4-w heel d rive units with a fr e e
wheeling hub assem bly, b efo re starting the below
disassem bly o f the front axle assem bly.
1. With the axle s e c u re ly positioned fo r disassem bly -
and fo r axle assem b lies without fr e e w heeling hubs,
(See Note above) rem ove hub cap and snap ring. Skip
to Step 4 fo r ve h ic le s equipped with fr e e wheeling
2. Use a s c re w d r iv e r and one hand o v e r the d riv e g e a r
to rem ove d riv e g e a r and p ressu re spring.
3. R em ove w heel bearin g outer locknut, lockrin g, and
wheel b earin g inner adjusting nut with sp ecial T o o l
4. Rem ove drum assem bly, outer wheel bearin g and
spring reta in er.
B earin g and reta in er w ill slid e
out as drum is rem oved.
R e fe r to B rakes, Section 5, in this
manual, i f drum, shoes, backing plate, springs
and other brake component rep a irs o r r e p la c e
ments are requ ired.
W heel Hub Components—Disassembly
a. Rem ove o il sea l and inner bearin g cone fro m hub.
Use b rass d rift and tap lightly with ham m er. D is
card o il seal.
b. Rem ove inner and outer b earin g cups using a
b rass d r ift and rawhide ham m er.
5. Rem ove g re a s e reta in er, bolts and reta in er with
gasket fro m backing plate. D iscard gasket.
6. Rem ove backing plate bolts. R em ove backing plate.
7. R em ove spindle and bronze thrust w asher by tapping
ligh tly with rawhide ham m er to break spindle loose
fro m knuckle. D iscard thrust w asher i f any w ear has
occu rred.
Spindle Components—Disassembly
a. Secure spindle in v is e by locating on the high step
diam eter. Be sure the machined su rface o f the
spindle w ill not be damaged by the v is e jaw s. R e
m ove o il seal.
b. Rem ove needle r o lle r bearing.
8. R em ove axle shaft and joint assem bly.
A x le Joint Components— Repair
a. Rem ove lock rin gs by rem oving p ressu re fro m
Содержание 10 Series 1970
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Страница 57: ...HEATER AND AIR CONDITIONING 1A 27 Fig 35 Compressor M ountings CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE MANUAL...
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