re le a s in g braking p ressu re d ire c tly to the atm osphere.
1. B lock o r hold v e h icle by a means other than a ir
2. Open drain cocks and exhaust a ir p ressu re fro m a ir
brake system .
3. D isconnect a ir lines fro m re la y va lve.
4. R em ove mounting bolts and rem ove r e la y valve.
1. R em ove c o v e r, diaphragm, diaphragm ring, b leed er
passage grom m et, and b le e d e r passage filt e r .
The re la y v a lv e is tested each tim e the tra c to r brakes
a re applied and relea sed . Should s e rv ic in g be indicated,
such as leakage, tim e lag, etc., it can be accom plished
quickly and easily.
The r e la y -in le t va lve can be pulled and rep laced i f
th ere is leakage at the exhaust port. M e re ly rem o ve the
T ru a rc retaining rin g and the sh ield at the exhaust port,
an o n -th e-veh icle s e rv ic e . Guide s e a l fr ic tio n tends to
hold the parts assem bled; h ow ever, the spring w ill
gradu ally fo r c e the parts out.
If v a lv e reaction tim e is slow o r s e v e re acting, the
r e la y piston can be rem oved by separating the va lve
housing and housing c o ver.
Should operation of the va lve becom e slow o r hesitant,
a fte r prolonged s e r v ic e , it would be good p reven tive
maintenance to dism antle and clean the unit. When r e
assem blin g the va lv e it is advisable to rep lace a ll
rubber parts. Then c o v e r b earin g su rfaces of the a ir
section with a thin film o f grea se. The use of a re p a ir
k it is recom m ended, as it contains a ll of the parts
n ecessa ry fo r com plete re-con dition in g.
1. Clean o r rep lace lin es to r e la y v a lve.
2. Mount rela y va lve secu rely.
3. Connect a ir lines.
AIR BRAKE CHAMBERS (Figs. 9 8 and 9 9 )
An a ir brake cham ber is used to con vert the energy of
com p ressed a ir into the m echanical fo rc e and motion r e
qu ired to apply the brakes. The yoke on the brake cham
b e r push rod connects to a slack adjuster which is
mounted on the brake cam shaft.
As a ir p ressu re enters the brake cham ber behind the
diaphragm , the diaphragm fo r c e s the push rod outward,
applying fo r c e to the slack adjuster which rotates the
brake cam shaft and applies the brakes. Upon re le a s e of
a ir p ressu re the brake shoe return springs and the push
rod spring return brake shoes, cam shaft, slack adjuster,
push rod and diaphragm to the re le a s e d position.
Leakage Test
With a fu ll p ressu re application, check the brake cham
b e r fo r leakage. No leakage is p erm is s ib le .
If leakage is detected around the flange, o r clam ping
rin g, the bolts should be tightened even ly but only enough
to stop the leakage otherw ise the diaphragm , flange s e a l
in g su rface o r clam ping rin g could be distorted.
Rem oval
1. Disconnect a ir line and push rod yoke.
2. R em ove brake cham ber.
1. Mount brake chamber to mounting bracket.
2. If p ossible, push rod should point down to obtain
maximum drainage.
3. In stall yoke and its nut on push rod and connect to
slack adjuster.
4 .
Check the angle fo rm e d by the push rod and slack
adjuster. The angle should n ever be le s s than 90°
when fu ll a ir p ressu re is applied to the brake cham
b er when the brakes a re cold and p ro p e rly adjusted.
1. A fte r cleaning the e x te r io r of the brake cham ber,
m ark it in such a way that it can be assem bled the
sam e way. If the brake cham ber is to be dism antled
on the veh icle, fo r exam ple to change the diaphragm
o r spring, fir s t back off the slack adju ster to r e lie v e
the return spring p ressu re against the p ressu re
plate, then fo llo w d isassem b ly procedu re below.
2. P u ll out push rod and clam p it at the non-pressu re
plate with v is e o r v is e grip p lie rs . If n ecessary, use
a ir p ressu re to m ove the push rod out. G rips o f
v is e o r v is e grip p lie r s should be c o v e re d o r taped
to preven t damage to push rod.
3. R em ove clam p rin g nuts and bolts.
4 .
Spread clam p rin g sligh tly, just enough to slip it off
the plates.
It is som etim es n ecessa ry to use a
s c re w d r iv e r and gradually p ry under the clam p rin g
to rem ove it. If the clam p ring is to be reused, cau
tion should be taken against bending it out of shape.
5„ Rem ove p ressu re plate and diaphragm.
6. Rem ove yoke and lock nut fro m push rod.
7. R elea se grip on push rod.
8. R em ove push rod assem bly, spring and other details.
Cleaning and Inspection
Clean a ll m etal p arts and inspect them fo r damage.
Dam aged parts should be replaced. If it is n ecessa ry to
rep la ce the return spring, be sure the c o r r e c t re p la c e
ment spring is used. Inspect diaphragm and any other
rubber parts fo r w ea r o r d eterioration and rep lace i f
1. Stand push rod assem bly upright on a fla t su rface.
2. P osition return sprin g and n on-pressu re plate on
push rod.
3. P r e s s the n on -p ressu re plate down against the ten
sion of the sprin g until the plate bottom s on the fla t
4 .
Now clam p the push rod at the n on -pressu re plate in
a v is e o r with v is e grip p lie r s whose grip s have been
taped o r covered.
5. W ith the push ro d held in this manner, place the
clamp rin g o v e r the clam ping su rface of the non
p ressu re plate.
6. P osition diaphragm in p ressu re plate and joint the
two with the n on -pressu re plate by w orking the clam p
rin g o v e r the clam ping surface of the p ressu re plate
with the use of v is e grip p lie rs o r lik e tool drawing
the clamp lugs together.
7. A ssem b le bolt and nut in clamp. It is som etim es
n ecessa ry to tap the clam ping ring to center it, and
this should be done only with a soft faced m allet.
8. R elea se hold on push rod and in sta ll rem aining clamp
rin g nut and bolt.
Содержание 10 Series 1970
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