MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
Theory of Operation
Brooks Automation
Revision 2.2
Single Arm Motion
The software-set velocities and accelerations for radial motion apply only to the veloc-
ity and acceleration applied to the shoulder shaft rotation. The rotary motion of the
shaft is profiled to accomplish smooth motion as the arm is accelerated from or
brought to rest.
The speeds for arm motion are based upon the robot’s “knowledge” of wafer presence
on the end effector. Wafer presence is determined in several ways; wafer presence
will be assumed after a PICK, wafer presence will be assumed after power-up, and
wafer absence will be assumed after a PLACE. Note that the SET LOAD command
can be used by an operator to specify the presence or absence of a wafer on the end
Dual Arm Motion
On all three axes of the MagnaTran 7, the ‘A’ and ‘B’ arms are driven simultaneously.
For Theta (T) motion and for the vertical (Z) motion, therefore, the arms move at the
same time and with the same velocities and accelerations. For radial motion, how-
ever, the situation is more complex.
Figure 6-4: MagnaTran 7 Z Axis VCE Parameters
Wafer Transport Plane (WTP)
Base Transfer Offset (BTO)
Robot Home (Z Axis)
bottom surface of Wafer
Slot #2
Slot #1