MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
PASIV™ Safety Feature Operation
Brooks Automation
Revision 2.2
PASIV™ Safety Feature Operation
The MagnaTran 7’s PASIV™ safety feature limits travel of the robot arm to user pro-
grammed access zones or “workspaces”.
To ensure the safety of high value wafers and equipment, safety zones are created
preventing access to defined zones thereby preventing collisions. These zones are
contained in a transferable data file which can be used to minimize down time during
The Workspace Overview
A workspace is defined as a three dimensional volume of space around the robot’s
home position in which the robot is allowed to access. Attempting to send the robot
to any space outside of the PASIV™ environment will cause an error message.
The PASIV™ feature is an optional mode that must be enabled by the user. By
default, the robot will not operate in the workspace mode.
Once the workspace feature is enabled, one pre-defined workspace will exist called
the home workspace. This workspace defines the safe travel area around the robot
home position. The user then defines the workspaces around the robot’s total move-
ment to each work station. This workspace may be created by one of two methods:
the user may define the desired workspace by manually entering desired values or
the workspace may be automatically around the taught work stations.‘
A workspace is defined by eleven parameters:
Name: A maximum 20-character, alphanumeric name unique to the
State: Specifies whether the workspace is active or inactive.
Interlock: A maximum 20-character, alphanumeric name of a defined
slot valve type mapped input signal.
Arm: Associates an arm to the workspace; may be A, B, or both.
Station: Indicated which station, if any, is associated with the work-
Rmin: The minimum radial axis limit for the workspace.
Tmin: The minimum theta axis limit for the workspace.