MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
Brooks Automation
Serial Number: ______________
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next two characters are the month, remaining characters are a unique identifier. If there is no Serial Number
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Author: B. Varnum
Brooks Automation
15 Elizabeth Drive
Chelmsford, MA. 01824
Phone (978) 262-2400
(978) 262-2500
P/N MN-003-1600-00
June 26, 1998
Revision 1.0
Initial Release per EC# 13293.
October 30, 1998
Revision 2.0
Released per EC# 13841.
September 14, 1999
Revision 2.1
Released per EC# 15660.
May 17, 2001
Revision 2.2
Released per EC# 19565.
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