MagnaTran 7.1 User’s Manual
Mount the Arm Set
Brooks Automation
Revision 2.2
Disengage the robot servos.
Enter the following path: SETUP/CONFIG ROBOT/SET SERVOS OFF
Install adapter to T2 (if not factory installed).
Install the arms on the robot.
For the following procedure, the alignment fixture must be installed on the
arm set.
Inspect the under side of the arm set and verify the mounting hardware is pro-
truding at 4 places. If not, work the screws until they protrude.
Position the arms so that, when looking down on the robot, the I/O panel
located on the robot drive is facing you and the end effectors would be facing
to your right.
Using the alignment fixture, place the arms on the T1/T2 shafts, positioning
the locating pins of the outer shaft into the arm set. Seat onto the T1 shaft. The
arm set must be fully seated.
Secure the arms to the T1 shaft (outer shaft).
Using the M3 wrench, fit the wrench into the 3 thruway holes and tighten the
mounting hardware.
Secure the arms to the T2 shaft (inner shaft).
Using the M3 wrench, fit the wrench into the 2 thruway holes and tighten the
mounting hardware.
Torque all five screws to 18 inch-lbs.
Remove the alignment fixture by loosening it’s hardware.
Save the fixtures for possible future use. If the robot is returned to Brooks
for service or shipped to another location, the original fixture must be used.
Also, keep the fixture close to the robot. Additional procedures will require
the use of this fixture.
Set the arm state of the robot to on.