Configuring the internal baseband source
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
Routing and enabling a trigger
The provided trigger signals are not dedicated to a particular connector. Trigger signals
can be mapped to one or more User x or T/M connectors.
Use the
Local and global connectors settings
to configure the signal mapping, the
polarity, the trigger threshold and the input impedance of the input connectors.
To route and enable a trigger signal, perform the following
general steps
Define the signal source and the effect of a trigger event.
Select the "Trigger In > Mode" and "Trigger In > Source".
Define the connector where the selected signal is provided.
Use the "Global Connectors" settings.
Trigger settings
► Select "Baseband > Custom Digital Mod > Trigger In".
This tab comprises the settings for selecting and configuring the trigger, like trigger
source, mode, and delay, and to arm or trigger an internal trigger manually. The current
signal generation status is displayed in the header of the tab together with information
on the enabled trigger mode. As in the "Marker" and "Clock" tabs, this tab provides
also access to the settings of the related connectors.
Sync. Output to External Trigger/Sync. Output to Trigger
........................................... 111
(Specified) External Delay/(Specified) Trigger Delay
.................................................. 112
Actual Trigger Delay/Actual External Delay
Selects a regular trigger signal: "Auto", "Retrigger", "Armed_Auto", "Armed_Retrigger",
or "Single".
Common functions and settings in the baseband domain