Configuring the internal baseband source
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
Carrier State
Switches the carriers in the range "Carrier Start" to "Carrier Stop" on/off.
Remote command:
Carrier Start/Start
Defines the start/stop index of the carrier range to which the assistant settings are
intended to apply.
Remote command:
Gain Start
Sets the gain of the carrier marked by "Carrier Start".
Remote command:
Gain Step
Sets the step width that is used to increment the gain.
The resulting carrier gain in the carrier table equals:
Gain =
"Gain Start" + n*"Gain Step"
is a value between 0 and the difference of "Carrier Stop" and "Carrier Start".
Remote command:
Phase Start
Sets the phase of the carrier marked by "Carrier Start".
Remote command:
Generating multi-carrier signals