Configuring the RF signal
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
Inverts the polarity between the video and the RF signal, that means
it is high, when RF is low, and vice versa.
Remote command:
Sets the polarity of the active slope of a pulse input signal, that is the external pulse
modulation signal.
Remote command:
Threshold User4-6 Input/Threshold Pulse Input
Sets the high/low threshold in volts for the signal at the User4-6 connectors.
The input signal is defined with the parameter
. The same threshold applies for
all 3 connectors and any input signal (e.g. external pulse modulation or trigger signal).
Remote command:
Impedance Pulse Input
Selects the input impedance for an external pulse modulation signal.
Remote command:
AM, FM and PhiM modulation settings
► Select "RF" > "Amplitude Modulation/Frequency Modualtion/Phase Modualtion".
The "FM", "
" and "AM" tabs contain the parameters per modulation type.
Analog modulations