Configuring the internal baseband source
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
c) Confirm with "Select".
2. To enable signal generation, select "3GPP FDD > General >
3. To create a 3GPP ARB file, select "3GPP FDD > Generate Waveform".
Enter the name of the waveform, that you want to generate, for example:
4. Confirm with "Save"
5. To set up a multi-carrier scenario with 4 carriers and a carrier spacing of 5 MHz,
select "Baseband > ARB > Multi Carrier".
Perform the following:
a) In the "General" dialog, select "Number of Carriers =
4" and "Carrier Spacing
5 MHz".
b) To load the generated waveform file to all 4 carriers, select "Carrier Table >
Carrier Table Assistant". Select "Carrier Start =
0" and "Carrier Stop =
c) To load the generated waveform file to all 4 carriers, select "ARB Multi Carrier
Table > Input Waveform File". Select the generated waveform file
d) Select "ARB Multi Carrier Table > Carrier State > On".
e) Select "ARB Multi Carrier Table > Apply Assistant Settings". Close the dialog.
The "ARB: Multi Carrier > Carrier Table" dialog confirms the configuration.
Generating multi-carrier signals