Network operation and remote control
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
In the "Network" dialog, you can configure the settings of the general network envi-
ronment and specific identification parameters of the instrument in the network.
The remote commands required to configure the network remotely are described in
Chapter 13.17, "SYSTem subsystem"
Chapter 12.7.3, "How to connect to LAN"
Network Status
Indicates that the instrument is connected to the network.
Remote command:
Restart Network
Terminates the network connection of the instrument and sets it up again. You can use
this function to fix network problems.
This function restarts only the connection of the instrument to the network. It
does not impact the network itself.
Remote command:
Displays the hostname.
Each instrument is delivered with an assigned hostname, a logical name which can be
used instead of the IP address. With the default network settings, the IP address is
allocated by the DHCP server. This address can change each time the instrument is
reconnected. Unlike the IP address, the hostname name does not change.
This function is password-protected. Unlock the protection level 1 to access it.
We recommend that you do not change the default network settings or the host-
name to avoid problems with the network connection.
If you change the hostname, be sure to use a unique name.
Remote command:
Remote access settings