Configuring the internal baseband source
User Manual 1179.1341.02 ─ 05
illustrates how trigger events affect the processing of the multi-seg-
ment waveforms.
Figure 4-26: Principle of segment triggering
= To simplify the description, an internal next segment trigger event ("Exec. Next Segment") and an
internal trigger event ("Execute Trigger") are used; an external trigger event has the same effect on
the signal generation.
1, 2 = Any next segment trigger event (internal or external) causes a switch over to the subsequent available
segment in the waveform. The currently output segment (segment filename and segment index) is
indicated at "Current Segment".
= When the last segment of the multi-segment waveform is output, the sequence starts again with the
output of the first segment after the subsequent trigger event. Hence, a sequence of external next
segment trigger events can be used to cyclically output the segments in the multi-segment file.
Defining the Next Segment Source
As with the standard trigger system, provided are the following two sources for the next
segment signal:
: the switch over to the subsequent segment is triggered manually with the
"Execute Next Segment" function.
To trigger a switch over to any segment within the multi-segment waveform,
change the value of the parameter "Segment".
: the instrument expects a trigger event ("Global Next Segment") on one of
the two provided and configured User connectors.
Defining the Subsequent Segment
By default, the instrument replays the segments in incremental order, e.g. Segment#1,
Segment#2, etc. If other order is required, use one of the following possibilities to
define the segment to be played next:
Next Segment
: defines the subsequent segment while triggering the segments
manually, i.e. by "Next Segment Source > Internal"
Sequencing List
: the subsequent segment is defined in the selected play list.
Generating multi-segment waveform files