Receiving (Uploading) Data
With the Support Tool on CD-ROM, NT Transfer Utility, which is exclusively
used for downloading/uploading the screen data, is supplied (For details, refer
to Appendix C).
Operation procedure
(1) Select [Connect] (menu bar)
[Upload (PT
NT-series Support Tool)].
The menu is displayed, allowing you to select the data to be received.
The items that can be selected vary according to the PT model.
(Pressing Ctrl key + Shift key + U executes Application uploading.)
(2) Select the data to be received.
The data receiving timing is determined according to the type of data se-
lected to be received.
Data Type
Application (in file units)
Data receiving starts immediately.
If a parent screen is included in the
screens selected to be received, a dialog
box is displayed requesting you to specify
whether child screens are to be received
with the parent screen.
To specify multiple screens in batch, speci-
fy the screen numbers in the manner “1, 3 -
5, 7,” delimiting them with commas “,” and
hyphens “–”.
Set a check mark for the “Include Child
Screen” item if you want to receive the
child screens with the parent screen.
Data receiving starts when is
Direct Access Information
Data receiving starts immediately.
System Memory
Data receiving starts immediately.
NT20, NT20S and NT600S:
Data receiving starts immediately.
NT21, NT31, NT31C, NT631, and
The dialog box is displayed where the
information to be received is specified.
Only the information for which a check
mark is set is received.
Data receiving starts when is
(3) Place the PT in the Transmit mode so that the data can be transmitted to the
Support Tool.
If the PT is not in the Transmit mode, a timeout error occurs in about 10 se-
conds at the Support Tool. In this case, set the PT in the Transmit mode and
click on
in the error message dialog box.
(4) While the data is sent from the PT, the progress of data transmission is indi-
cated by a bar graph.
To abort the operation, click on