Numeral Display: Displays the numeral value by referencing the specified table
entry. Indirect reference is also possible.
String Display: Displays the character string by referencing the specified table
entry. Indirect reference is also possible.
To display the settings for a label click the
Button. The dialog box for
setting a label is displayed.
Use the
button in the property dialog to copy the I/O comment
set to the PLC address of the lamp bit as a label.
The property setting dialog for both Static and On Off Static labels is shown be-
For Static, the label can be set by changing description of Off Label group box of
[Standard Lamp <Label>] dialog box. On Label group box will be disabled.
For On Off Static, the Off Label and the On Label can be set by changing descrip-
tion of corresponding text boxes.
Off Description:
Specify the text of the label that will be displayed when lamp
bit is OFF.
On Description:
Specify the text of the label that will be displayed when lamp
bit is ON.
Line Spacing:
Determines the space between two lines in both the Off De-
scription and the On Description.
Insert New Line:
Inserts a new line character in the description to bring the fol-
lowing characters to the next line. On the Label Description
edit box, the new line character will be shown as ‘<\n>’.