Common Operation
Copy to Next
Executes the “copy to next” operation.
How this function is executed differs according to the table type as shown below.
Table Type
Increment Item
Table Type
Initial Value
PC (PLC) Address
Numeral memory table
Addition processing
Addition processing
Character string memory table
(String table)
Cannot be specified.
Addition processing
Bit memory table
Cannot be specified.
Addition processing
Extended I/O input table
Cannot be specified.
Extended I/O output table
Cannot be specified.
Operation procedure (Clear)
The clear function clears the data at the specified address of a table.
Since the data is not stored in the clipboard, the data deleted by the clear function
cannot be restored by the paste function.
(1) Click on the table entry number of the data to be cleared.
(2) Click on
or right click the table entry number.
(3) Select [Clear].
Operation procedure (Cut)
The cut function cuts the data at the specified address of a table and stores it in
the clip board.
The data deleted by the cut function can be used for pasting.
(1) Click on the table entry number of the data to be cut.
(2) Click on
or right click the table entry number.
(3) Select [Cut].
Operation procedure (Copy)
The copy function copies the data at the specified address of a table to the clip
The data copied by the copy function can be used for pasting.
(1) Click on the table entry number of the data to be copied.
(2) Click on
or right click the table entry number.
(3) Select [Copy].
Operation procedure (Paste)
The paste function pastes the data stored in the clip board by the cut or copy op-
eration to the specified table entry.
(1) Click on the table entry number of the table where the data is to be pasted.
(2) Click on
or right click the table entry number.
(3) Select [Paste].