Using Video
RealMedia Buffering Indicator
lets a text area or field provide a graphical display of the stream-
buffering progress of the RealMedia sprite with the RealMedia Target behavior attached. As
stream buffering progresses, the width of the sprite increases from 0 to 100%.
RealMedia Stream Information
lets a text area or field display text information for the RealMedia
sprite with the RealMedia Target behavior attached. The text information can include one of the
following: the percent buffered, media status, current time, or file location or URL of the
RealMedia file. You select the information to display using the pop-up menu in the Parameters
dialog box for this behavior.
Using RealMedia behaviors
You attach RealMedia behaviors in the same way as you do other Director behaviors: drop the
behavior onto the sprite and use the dialog box to assign a group and other parameters.
The RealMedia Target behavior is the central RealMedia behavior and must be dropped onto the
RealMedia sprite before you can use any other behavior.
The RealMedia Slider Knob and RealMedia Slider Bar behaviors must be used together; if they
can’t locate one another, a one-time error message appears.
To attach RealMedia behaviors:
Create a RealMedia sprite on the Stage.
Open the Library palette (Window > Library Palette), and select Media > RealMedia from the
pop-up menu to display the RealMedia behaviors.
Drag the RealMedia Target behavior to the RealMedia sprite on the Stage.
Enter the number of milliseconds for a long and short seek operation, and assign the behavior
to a group or accept the defaults.
The number of milliseconds you specify for a long or short seek is the number that is used by
the various forward and back options of the RealMedia Control Button behavior. Be aware
that short seeks are ineffective because the amount of time it takes the stream to rebuffer is
generally longer than the number of milliseconds that are skipped in the stream.
Create graphic sprites to act as slider controls and Play, Stop, and Pause buttons for the
RealMedia sprite and place them on the Stage. You can also create a graphic sprite to display
the buffering progress of the RealMedia stream.
These sprites should be basic graphic sprites, not functional buttons; the RealMedia behaviors
add the button functionality.
Drag the RealMedia Control Button, RealMedia Slider Bar, RealMedia Slider, and RealMedia
Buffering Indicator behaviors to the sprites that you created on the Stage, and select the
appropriate action and group using the pop-up menu in the Parameters dialog box.
The group to which you assign the behavior must be the same group you created for the
RealMedia Target behavior.
Create a field on the Stage to display playback information about the RealMedia sprite similar
to the information that appears in the status bar of the RealMedia viewer.
Drag the RealMedia Stream Information behavior to the field; then select the type of
information you want to display and the group that the behavior belongs to in the Parameters
dialog box.
Page 1: ...Using Director MX Macromedia Director MX...
Page 12: ...Contents 12...
Page 156: ...Chapter 4 156...
Page 202: ...Chapter 6 202...
Page 244: ...Chapter 7 244...
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Page 330: ...Chapter 12 330...
Page 356: ...Chapter 13 356...
Page 372: ...Chapter 14 372...
Page 442: ...Chapter 16 442...
Page 472: ...Chapter 18 472...
Page 520: ...Chapter 19 520...
Page 536: ...Chapter 20 536...
Page 562: ...Chapter 23 562...
Page 566: ...Chapter 24 566...
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