L-VIS User Manual
Version 6.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Enable periodic I-Am broadcast:
The device sends out I-Am messages on a
regular basis to notify others of its presence.
Keep OWS values in device:
A parameter download, for example via LWEB-
900, does not overwrite any persistent property values of BACnet server objects.
It is assumed, that these are managed by a BACnet OWS and are written via the
BACnet network.
I-Am Interval:
The interval used for periodic I-Am messages, if enabled.
Default Pollcycle:
The poll cycle to set for newly created client mappings.
Default COV Expiry:
The default expiration time for COV subscriptions.
Default Write Priority:
Write priority for all client mappings, which are set to
use the default write priority.
Since all strings in an L-VIS project are Unicode strings (ISO-10646), the default setting is
to use UTF-8 encoding for BACnet string properties. When using UCS-2, be aware that
there are many tool vendors which do not support UCS-2 strings, and are completely
unable to display such strings in their tools, even if the string itself contains only ASCII
characters. If the device is to be used together with such systems, the character set must be
set to either ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1), which is a subset of ISO-10646 and is sufficient for most
western languages, or to UTF-8, which is backwards compatible to ANSI X3.4 (US-ASCII)
as long as no foreign characters are used. If the character set is reduced to ISO-8859-1, the
user must ensure that no characters outside this character set are used for server object
names and descriptions. Unprintable characters will be replaced by a question mark.