L-VIS User Manual
Version 6.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
and receives a feedback over nviSwitchFb. The object is configured using the
configuration properties
The configuration properties are described in detail in the L
Function Profile
On L-VIS, the switch object is controlled by a switch or push button connected to the
terminal IN0 of the device. The object can operate in 3 different modes:
Switch mode
: Use this mode when a two position switch is
connected to the input terminals. To select switch mode, set
SCPTstepValue and SCPTtimeout to zero.
Push button mode
: Use this mode when a push button is connected
to the terminals and you want to toggle the light on and off with
each push of the button. To select push button mode, set
SCPTstepValue to zero and SCPTtimeout to a value greater than
Dimmer mode
: Use this mode when a push button is connected to
the input terminals and you want to use the button to toggle the light
on and off with each short press of the button and ramp the light
intensity up and down when holding down the button. To select and
configure dimmer mode, set SCPTstepValue to the amount of
change wanted for each step when ramping up or down and set
SCPTtimeout to the desired maximum push time, which is detected
as a short press (the time to wait before starting to ramp the light
intensity up or down). The speed at which value updates are sent
out during ramping is controlled by SCPTminSendTime.
13.9.3 Relay / LCD Backlight control
The relay object implements a L
Lamp Actuator object according to the
Functional Profile #3040. It receives the input value of type SNVT_switch in
the variable nviSwitch and sends out a feedback of the current state in nviSwitchFb. The
output network variable reflects the state of the relay input of the old LVIS-3ECTB device.
The newer touch screen models do not provide a relay and the lamp actuator object on these
models is used to control the LCD backlight.
To overrule the value which is adjusted in the L-VIS Plugin Software, the state part of the
nviSwitch network variable has to be set to 1. In that case, the value part of the network
variable controls the brightness of the display from 0 to 100%. If the state part of the
variable is set back to 0 again, the backlight automatically uses the values which are
adjusted in the L-VIS Plugin software. This feature can be used to adjust the backlight in
relation to the ambient brightness, which could be measured with a sensor.
On newer firmware revisions, the backlight may also be controlled via an internal system
register, which is available as a data point and may be used freely across the project. This is
the preferred way of controlling the backlight.