L-VIS User Manual
Version 6.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Return Value
Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of v1; that is the value whose hyperbolic
sine is v1
Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of v1; that is the value whose
hyperbolic cosine is v1
Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of v1; that is the value whose
hyperbolic tangent is v1
Returns the value of the Gamma function for the argument v1. The Gamma
function is defined by Gamma(x) = integral from 0 to infinity of t^(x-1) e^-t
dt. It is defined for every real number except for non-positive integers. For
non-negative integral m one has Gamma(m+1) = m! and, more generally,
for all x: Gamma(x+1) = x * Gamma(x) For x < 0.5 one can use Gamma(x)
* Gamma(1-x) = PI/sin(PI*x)
Returns the absolute value of the argument v1
Returns a random value between 0 and 1
9.14 Trigger Objects
Trigger objects are the inverse of action objects. While action objects usually receive input
from a control and use this input to execute some actions unrelated to the control itself, for
example update some data points, trigger objects work in the opposite direction They
receive input from data points and cause the control to which they are connected to execute
some action, for example show another page of information or clear the input value.
Trigger objects are most often used with data log controls, to control the recording of data
and navigate through the recorded information, if the built-in navigation bar is disabled.
9.14.1 Trigger Object Properties
To define the trigger condition, connect the input data points which determine when the
trigger should fire. Using these data points, enter the required formula on the
property page. Then select the action which the control should execute. Depending
on the control, the supported actions will be available from the
dropdown list.
The possible commands to give to the control are:
No Operation:
This command does nothing. It is usually available as the only
choice, if the control does not support any commands in its current configuration.
Show Prev Page:
Instructs the control to show the previous page of information.
Show Next Page:
Instructs the control to show the next page of information.
First Page:
Instructs the control to show the first page of information.
Last Page:
Instructs the control to show the last page of information.
Add Data Record:
Instructs the control to record the current data of the data
record to which the trigger is connected. See also section 9.5.8 for more info about
data log controls and data records.
Unset Data:
Instructs the control to clear/release the current value. Only available
for input controls. The value will be set back to ‘invalid’, indicating that no value
is available.
Causes the control to become invisible.
Sets the control to normal visibility mode (in case it was invisible).