L-VIS User Manual
Version 6.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
10.1.2). In addition, this technology also supports dynamic polling as described in section
11.5.3 by stopping any COV subscriptions and polls for inactive data points.
10.5.6 BACnet Data Points in Connections
BACnet data points can be used in local and global connections. Since in BACnet,
commandable objects can be written with values at a certain priority, it may be necessary to
revoke a written value over a data point connection from another technology data point.
However, in other technologies, there is no notion of revoking a written value. To model
this behavior, a distinctive
value can be written to such a data point. For those data
points that do not have an intrinsic invalid value, a suitable value can be specified in the
data point properties. To make a BACnet object convey an invalid value to the opposite
side of a connection when itself activates the
, enable the option
Relinquish to Invalid
10.6 Data Point Manager
Since the data points are not part of the object tree shown in the main window, there is a
separate window to manage these objects. The same window is also used to select one or
more data points, when a data point reference is to be added to the object tree. It is therefore
possible to create and select a data point in one go.
The window to manage and select data points can be opened in two ways:
Via a tool bar button, or the command
from the main menu.
Via the context menu of an object where a data point reference can be attached.
When opened via the main menu or tool bar, the window can be left open while working on
the project in the main window. Data points can be edited, created, and connected to objects
in the main windows tree view via drag & drop. In this mode, the
button is
deactivated and the only option is to use the
button to close the manager window.
While the data point manager window is open, some operations are not available. This
includes device communication when in LNS plug in mode as well as the option to close the
main program or to attach a data point to an object via the context menu.
When opened via the context menu of an object to connect a data point reference, the main
program is locked and waits until the user selected the desired data point or closed the
manager window. The result of the selection is then used to create references to the selected
points and connect them to the selected object.
The window itself is divided into different sections:
10.6.1 Folder List
At the left is a list of folders which is used to sort the available data points by their
category. There are a number of predefined folders available:
This folder has some sub-folders. One is used to hold data retrieved
from a network scan, the other ones are used to display data imported from files.
Data points in the import folder are not stored on the L-VIS device when the
project is downloaded. They represent data points which are available on remote
devices and are shown here as templates to create suitable data points for use on
the L-VIS device (see section 10.16.4 for details).
This folder contains symbolic links to other data points.