L-VIS User Manual
Version 6.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
9.5 Controls
All objects which can be displayed on a page are called
. This is because they are
usually used to provide to user with an interface to control a data point value or trigger
actions. Controls are also used to display the current value of a data point and sometimes
even display just static content, to enhance the visual appearance of a page.
There are other objects which are used to control or process data point values and which
are not documented in this section, for example mathematical objects or alarm generators.
These objects are not control objects, because they do not provide a user interface. They
have no position and size coordinates or other visual properties.
Depending on the data point objects connected to the control, the control will either show
static content only, show dynamic content based on values which are received from
connected input data points, or become selectable and accept new values from the user,
which are then written to the connected output data points. Controls which accept user input
are called input controls.
The following sections describe each of the available controls and their properties.
9.5.1 Text Control
Text controls are used to display one or more lines of text. The text is entered on the
Common Properties
page in the
area, or the separate full-size
property page,
as explained in the section about the common property pages. Dynamic text from a
mapping table or from a connected string data point may be inserted at the %s placeholder,
otherwise the text remains static.
On the
property page, the following colors can be set for the control:
Color Name
Element to which the color applies
Text color. This color may be overridden by color specifications from a
connected mapping table.
Selection Frame
Frame drawn around the text, if the control is selected. Also used to draw
the grid of the drop-down list, from which a new text element is chosen
(input controls only).
Color of the controls background. The background of a text control may be
set to transparent using the check box next to the background color button.
Table 14: Color assignment for text controls
If the text control is an input control, it may be selected by a touch on the controls text field.
A dropdown list will appear, containing all entries of the mapping table which is connected
to the control. From this list, the user may select a new entry. The value which is associated
with this entry in the mapping table will then be assigned to all connected non-constant
output data points.
Instead of opening a dropdown list, text controls may also be used as push buttons, where
each press of the button will change the value. This push button mode can be enabled on
Text / Bitmap / Drawing
property page, which is explained below, since it works the
same for text and bitmap controls.
For the L-WEB model, the text control may be set to web browser mode using the option
Web Browser Mode
at the bottom of the property page. In this mode, the L-WEB
application will not just display the contents of the text control, but instead try to interpret
them as web content according to the following rules: