4.28 OB/GYN Stretcher Foot Support Gas Spring
Chapter 4: Removal, Replacement, and Adjustment Procedures
TranStar® PC-100/PC-200/PC-300/PC-350/PC-400/PC-450/
Page 4 - 89
Series Stretcher Service Manual (man115re)
8. Using the ratchet, 5/32" hex head bit, and adjustable wrench, remove the
shoulder bolt (C), and locknut (D) that secure the foot support gas spring
(B) to the footrest weldment (E).
9. Unscrew the foot support gas spring (B) from the release casting (L).
10. Remove the foot support gas spring (B) from the stretcher.
Do not rotate the gas spring rod with a clamping device. Damage to the
rod can occur.
1. Screw the foot support gas spring (B) into the release casting (L) until the
foot support release weldment (M) does not move.
2. When the foot support gas spring (B) is snug, give it a half-turn clockwise,
or until the hole in the rod end (N) lines up with the hole in the foot support
base weldment (O) to complete the installation.
3. Using the ratchet, 5/32" hex head bit, and adjustable wrench, loosely install
the shoulder bolt (C) and locknut (D) that secure the foot support gas
spring (B) to the foot support base weldment (O).
4. Check the operation of the foot support gas spring (B) and the foot support
push release lever by performing the following steps:
a. Check the operation of the foot support push release lever.
The foot support gas spring is to be adjusted so that when the foot support push
release lever is engaged approximately half-way through its full travel, the foot
support gas spring releases; and when the foot support push release lever is
disengaged, the foot support gas spring is locked (secure). Ensure that the foot
support push release lever does not release too early or with too little pressure
applied to the handle, and that it returns to its original position.
b. If adjustment to the foot support gas spring (B) is required, ensure that
the jam nut (K) is installed loosely.
c. Using the ratchet, 5/32" hex head bit, and adjustable wrench, remove
the shoulder bolt (C) and locknut (D) that secure the foot support gas
spring (B) to the foot rest weldment (E).