2.20 Surgical Stretcher Back Section—Release Handle/Gas Spring Malfunction
Chapter 2: Troubleshooting Procedures
Page 2 - 60
TranStar® PC-100/PC-200/PC-300/PC-350/PC-400/PC-450/
Series Stretcher Service Manual (man115re)
2.20 Surgical Stretcher Back Section—Release Handle/Gas Spring
The PACU extenders can either be removed from the stretcher, in the
armboard position, or in the extender position. If they are in the extender
position (around the articulating head section), then the release handle on the
PACU extenders must be used to raise or lower the back section.
1. The gas spring releases and locks (every 10-15 degrees) throughout its full
range of motion, and the release handle engages and disengages
approximately half-way through its full travel, returning to its original
position with no evidence of binding.
Adjust the surgical back section gas spring (refer to
procedure 4.17). If this solves the problem, go to “Final
Actions” on page 2-32.
2. When the release handle is activated approximately half-way through its
full travel, the back section rises without assistance.
Replace the surgical back section gas spring (refer to
procedure 4.17). If this solves the problem, go to “Final
Actions” on page 2-32. Otherwise, call Hill-Rom Technical
Support at (800) 445-3720.