4.26 OB/GYN Stretcher Upper Frame Catch Shroud
Chapter 4: Removal, Replacement, and Adjustment Procedures
TranStar® PC-100/PC-200/PC-300/PC-350/PC-400/PC-450/
Page 4 - 83
Series Stretcher Service Manual (man115re)
2. Using the rubber mallet/hammer, tap on the underside of the catch shroud
to loosen the roll pins (D) securing the foot section rest blocks (B) to the
upper frame fixed weldment (C).
The back of the catch shroud is held in place with a Velcro®
strip (F).
3. Remove the catch shroud (E) from the stretcher.
The back of the catch shroud is held in place with a Velcro® strip.
1. Replace the catch shroud (E) by reversing the removal procedure.
2. Ensure that the catch shroud (E) seats firmly into position and makes
contact with all Velcro® locations.
1. Velcro® is a registered trademark of Velcro Industries, BV (a Dutch corporation).