1. Enter the unmachined-part contour
If, when removing stock along the contour, you want to take into account an unmachined
part contour (and no cylinder or no allowance) as unmachined part shape, then you must
define the contour of the unmachined part before you define the finished-part contour.
Compile the unmachined-part contour step-by-step from various contour elements.
2. Enter finished-part contour
You build up the finished-part contour gradually from a series of different contour elements.
3. Contour call
4. Stock removal along the contour (roughing)
The contour is machined longitudinally, transversely or parallel to the contour.
5. Remove residual material (roughing)
For G code programming, when removing stock, it must first be decided whether to rough
(machine) with residual material detection or not. A suitable tool will allow you to remove
this without having to machine the contour again.
6. Stock removal along the contour (finishing)
If you programmed a finishing allowance for roughing, the contour is machined again.
Representation of the contour
G code program
In the editor, the contour is represented in a program section using individual program blocks.
If you open an individual block, then the contour is opened.
Symbolic representation
The individual contour elements are represented by symbols adjacent to the graphics window.
They appear in the order in which they were entered.
Contour element
Starting point
Starting point of the contour
Straight line up
Straight line in 90° grid
Straight line down
Straight line in 90° grid
Straight line left
Straight line in 90° grid
Straight line right
Straight line in 90° grid
Straight line in any direction
Straight line with any gradient
Arc right
Arc left
Programming technological functions (cycles)
10.5 Contour turning - Milling/turning machine
Operating Manual, 08/2018, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA0