Supplementary conditions
● All of the existing data records (tool carrier / TRAORI, TRACYL) are evaluated and must
be correctly commissioned for correct simulation.
● The machine kinematics for TRAFOOF are not taken into consideration.
● Transformations with swiveled linear axis (TRAORI 64 - 69) as well as OEM transformations
(TRAORI 4096 - 4098) are not supported.
● Changes to the tool carrier or transformation data only become effective after Power On.
● Transformation change and swivel data record change are supported. However, a real
kinematic change is not supported, where a swivel head is physically changed.
● The simulation of mold making programs with extremely short block change times can take
longer than machining, as the computation time distribution for this application is
dimensioned in favor of the machining and to the detriment of simulation.
Several examples for machine types that are supported:
Swivel head 90°/90°
Simulating machining
7.1 Overview
Operating Manual, 08/2018, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA0