Press the "Mark" softkey.
- OR -
Press the <SELECT> key.
Select the desired program blocks with the cursor or mouse.
Press the "Copy" softkey in order to copy the selection to the buffer mem‐
Place the cursor on the desired insertion point in the program and press
the "Paste" softkey.
The content of the buffer memory is pasted.
- OR -
Press the "Cut" softkey to delete the selected program blocks and to copy
them into the buffer memory.
Note: When editing a program, you cannot copy or cut more than 1024
lines. While a program that is not on the NC is opened (progress display
less than 100%), you cannot copy or cut more than 10 lines or insert more
than 1024 characters.
Numbering the program blocks
If you have selected the "Automatic numbering" option for the editor, then
the newly added program blocks are allocated a block number (N num‐
The following rules apply:
● When creating a new program, the first line is allocated the "first block
● If, up until now, the program had no N number, then the program block
inserted is allocated the starting block number defined in the "First
block number" input field.
● If N numbers already exist before and after the insertion point of a new
program block, then the N number before the insertion point is
incremented by 1.
● If there are no N numbers before or after the insertion point, then the
maximum N number in the program is increased by the "increment"
defined in the settings.
After exiting the program, you have the option of renumbering the pro‐
gram blocks.
The buffer memory contents are retained even after the editor is closed, enabling you to paste
the contents in another program.
Machining the workpiece
6.10 Editing a program
Operating Manual, 08/2018, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA0