Direction (minus/plus)
Direction reference of traversing direction of rotary axis 1 or 2 of the active swivel data set
(machine kinematics). The NC calculates two possible solutions of the rotation / offset
programmed in CYCLE800 using the angle traversing range of the rotary axes of the machine
kinematics. Usually, only one of these solutions is technologically suitable. The solutions differ
by 180 degrees in each case. Selecting the "minus" or "plus" direction determines which of
the two possible solutions is to be applied.
● "Minus" → Lower rotary axis value
● "Plus" → Higher rotary axis value
Also in the basic setting (pole setting) of the machine kinematics, the NC calculates two
solutions and these are approached by CYCLE800. The reference is the rotary axis that was
set as direction reference when commissioning the "swivel" function.
Machine manufacturer
Please observe the information provided by the machine manufacturer.
If one of the two positions cannot be reached for mechanical reasons, the alternative position
is automatically selected irrespective of the setting of the "Direction" parameter.
Example 1: A rotary axis rotates in the basic position around the tool axis
● Machine kinematics with swivel head and swivel table.
● Swivel head with rotary axis 1 (B) rotates around machine axis Y.
– Angular range of rotary axis B from -90 to +90 degrees.
● Swivel table with rotary axis 2 (C) rotates around machine axis Z.
– Angular range of rotary axis 2 (C) from 0 to 360 degrees (modulo 360).
● Machine manufacturer has set the direction reference to rotary axis 1 (B) when he
commissioned the swivel function.
● A rotation around X (WCS) of 10 degrees is programmed in the swivel cycle.
Basic position
% r
& r
The basic position (pole setting) of the kinemat‐
ics (B = 0 degrees C = 0 degrees)
Programming technological functions (cycles)
10.6 Further cycles and functions
Operating Manual, 08/2018, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA0