Search options
● Whole words
Activate this option and enter a search term if you want to search for texts/terms that are
present as words in precisely this form.
If, for example, you enter the search term "Finishing tool", only single "Finishing tool" terms
are displayed. Word combinations such as "Finishing tool_10" are not found.
● Exact expression
Activate this option if you wish to search for terms with characters, which can also be used
as place holders for other characters, e.g. "?" and "*".
Search with place holders
When searching for specific program locations, you have the option of using place holders:
● "*": Replaces any character string
● "?": Replaces any character
The desired program is opened in the editor.
Press the "Search" softkey.
A new vertical softkey bar appears.
The "Search" window opens at the same time.
Enter the desired search term in the "Text" field.
Select "Whole words" if you want to search for whole words only.
- OR -
Activate the "Exact expression" checkbox if, for example, you want to
search for place holders ("*", "?") in program lines.
Position the cursor in the "Direction" field and choose the search direction
(forward, backward) with the <SELECT> key.
Press the "OK" softkey to start the search.
If the text you are searching for is found, the corresponding line is high‐
Press the "Continue search" softkey if the text located during the search
does not correspond to the point you are looking for.
- OR -
Press the "Cancel" softkey when you want to cancel the search.
Machining the workpiece
6.10 Editing a program
Operating Manual, 08/2018, 6FC5398-7CP41-0BA0