S e n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a c k - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Command Reference
OL-18089-01, Cisco MDS NX-OS Release 4.x
Chapter 22 Show Commands
show santap module
Related Commands
avt vsan
Displays the AVT VSAN number.
cvt id
Displays the CVT ID number.
cvt nwwn
Displays the CVT Node port world wide name.
cvt pwwn
Displays the CVT port world wide name
cvt vsan
Displays the CVT VSAN number.
cvt xmap_id
Displays the CVT Xmap ID number.
dvt fp_port
Displays the DVT fabric port number.
dvt id
Displays the DVT
dvt if_index
Displays the DVT interface index number.
dvt lun
Displays the DVT LUN.
dvt mode
Displays the DVT mode.
dvt name
Displays the DVT name.
dvt nwwn
Displays the DVT Node port world wide name.
dvt pwwn
Displays the DVT port world wide name.
dvt vsan
Displays the DVT VSAN number.
host pwwn
Displays the host port world wide name.
num ranges
Displays the number ranges.
rvt id
Displays the RVT ID number.
rvt if_index
Displays the RVT interface index.
rvt lun
Displays the RVT LUN.
rvt nwwn
Displays the RVT Node port world wide name.
rvt pwwn
Displays the RVT port world wide name.
rvt vsan
Displays the RVT VSAN number.
session id
Displays the session ID number.
session state
Displays the session state.
tgt lun
Displays the target LUN.
tgt pwwn
Displays the target port world wide name.
tgt vsan
Displays the target VSAN number.
vdisk id
Displays the virtual disk ID number.
xmap id
Displays the Xmap ID number.
Table 22-7
show santap Field Descriptions (continued)
santap module
Configures the mapping between the SSM and the VSAN where the
appliance is configured.