Configuring flooding zone control
365 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
'Causes' functions – parameters in the 'Overview' tab
The following parameters only apply to the 'Causes' function 'Automatic release'.
'No. of zone requests for EXTINGUISHING PRE-ACTIVATION'
'Requests 'Automatic
exting. pre-activation''
Input field for number
[0...10; 0 = 'not relevant']
The parameter defines the number of
simultaneous requests needed from the
assigned 'Zone' elements after the flooding
zone switches to the ''Pre-activated' phase'
state to enable the zone to switch to the ''Pre-
activated' phase' state.
Note: If a 'Section' element is assigned with
the function, the 'Zone' elements under the
'Section' element are evaluated.
'Requests 'Automatic
exting. release''
The parameter defines the number of
simultaneous requests needed from the
assigned 'Zone' elements after the flooding
zone switches to the ''Activated' phase' state
to enable the zone to switch to the ''Pre-
activated' phase' state.
Note: If a 'Section' element is assigned with
the function, the 'Zone' elements under the
'Section' element are evaluated.
'No. of zone requests for EXTINGUISHING RELEASE'
'Requests 'Automatic
exting. pre-activation''
Input field for number
[0...10; 0 = 'not relevant']
The parameter defines the number of
simultaneous requests needed from the
assigned 'Zone' elements after the flooding
zone switches to the ''Pre-activated' phase'
state to enable the zone to switch to the
''Activated' phase' state.
Note: If a 'Section' element is assigned with
the function, the 'Zone' elements under the
'Section' element are evaluated.
'Requests 'Automatic
exting. release''
The parameter defines the number of
simultaneous requests needed from the
assigned 'Zone' elements after the flooding
zone switches to the ''Activated' phase' state
to enable the zone to switch to the ''Activated'
phase' state.
Note: If a 'Section' element is assigned with
the function, the 'Zone' elements under the
'Section' element are evaluated.