'Operation' task card
Person Machine Interface (PMI)
265 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
13.2.4 Favorites
Figure 89: 'Favorite keys' element in the tree view
There are a maximum of eight favorites of which three are preconfigured. Each
favorite can be assigned a function. With that you can quickly carry out often used
actions and commands.
The favorites are represented in the display of the Person Machine Interface. The
first three favorites are assigned to the three
softkeys in the main menu. All
favorites are listed in the 'Favorites' menu. To execute a favorite function, you must
press the corresponding key on the keypad.
You will find information about the keys in the Person Machine Interface in
document A6V10211076. See chapter 'Applicable documents'.
You can configure the following types of functions:
'Function': The favorite is assigned to a function from the 'Functions' menu of
the 'Station'. Pressing on the key shows the corresponding window for entering
the element category or the address on the display of the Person Machine
'Dialog': The favorite is assigned to a specific view on the display. Pressing the
button shows the view on the display, e.g., 'Dialog 'Config viewer, Topology'' >
'Detection tree'.
'Action': The favorite is assigned to a pre-defined action. Pressing the button
executes the action, e.g., 'All sounders OFF'.
– Command for a specific element: The favorite is assigned to a command
'Site'. Pressing on the key executes the
command for this element, e.g., 'Detector test' for a particular 'Manual
– Command for the element category: The favorite is assigned to a command
and an element category, e.g., 'Zone' or
'Section'. Pressing on the key
shows the window for entering the address for the element category on the
display. After entering the address, the command for the corresponding
element is executed.
You will find information on configuring favorites in chapter 'Configuring standard