'Detection' task card
Configuring the 'Zone'
164 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
'Multi detector dependency with latching'
This property specifies whether multi-detector dependency with latching is
activated. This property is activated, e.g. for 'Automatic zone', with the 'Two-zone
dependency' template.
You will find more information on this in chapter 'Multi-detector dependency with
'Reset time'
'Enabled' checkbox
Reset time cannot be set. In this case, the suitable reset
time is set by the control panel.
'Enabled' checkbox
'Reset time': 1 s to
5 min
The appropriate reset time can be set by the user,
e.g. when sub-systems are connected.
The system attempts to reset the element within this
time before the attempt is considered a failure. If the
element can be reset prior to the expiration of the set
time, then it can be reset immediately.
'Always resettable'
This property is only available for the 'Manual zone'.
Checkbox checked
'Zone' can always be reset (message 'Glass broken'
from manual call points that are still active).
Checkbox unchecked
'Zone' can only be reset if all assigned manual call
points are in quiescent condition.
11.5.1 Multi-detector dependency
Multi-detector dependency for collective detector lines
Application does not comply with standards.
Multi-detector dependency may not be set up with collective detector lines.
You can choose between the following templates for 'Automatic zone' to configure
'Multi, 2 det. dependency'
'Multi, 2 det. dependency II' [AT]
'Multi, 2 det. dependency III' [CH]
Depending on the selection, the following properties are set in the 'Details' tab of
the detail editor.
'Multi, 2 det. dependency' and 'Multi, 2 det. dependency III' [CH]:
The checkbox 'Multi detector dependency with latching' is deactivated. The
danger level of the detectors is not stored. The multi-detector dependency is
used for a stationary fire.